Drawing 2

Sawyer Mercado “Soy Scape”

Pastel and Pencil, 2019

The style to my drawing I would claim to be an abstract comic sketch, I don’t really know what to categorize it as but I know it falls somewhere in the middle of abstract and surrealism.

My drawing holds no intentional symbolism because it started off as a free hand sketch that ended up just flowing onto the paper. The viewer may take whatever message they want from the drawing because it is simply a spontaneous "soy scape" that I sketched up. Now as I look at the final product I would not change anything because of the respect I have for a completely original drawing and that I what it is a complete original, and my favorite part of this drawing is the diverse amount of color and objects within it.

Sawyer Mercado “Soy Ink”

10x16, Pencil Ink, 2019

My inspiration for this ink drawing was an idea that I sketched up in my sketch book, for my creative process, I normally try to completely create something organically by sitting down and just dreaming something random up. This tends to work the best for me creatively and that technique is what I used for this sketch. This particular piece is one of my favorite ink drawings I’ve done in a while. I normally don’t venture into mixtures of abstract and real-world, and this was my goal for this drawing I wanted to mix some realism with some abstract into the product.

If any changes could be done I would alter the shading strategy I took, I feel as if I shaded certain spots poorly and in doing so I became discouraged from shading and stopped completely. But however, my favorite part happens to be my signature at the very bottom left, look at that penmanship.