Drawing two

Art dust artist statement

I wanted to make something colorful and abstract, so my first idea was to make something with chalk dust. That wasn't the issue at the beginning, because I had no trouble shaving off parts of the chalk and mixing them and making them look pretty good. The issue I did have was trying to make the dust stick to the black paper. I used stick glue, Elmers glue, but we settled on this kind of paste stuff where I put a thin layer on the canvas and sprinkled the dust all over until it was stuck there. In the end I think it turned out really good, I love the bright pink and red shades.

Kieth Haring artist statement

I wanted to combine some of my favorite artworks into one masterpiece. I really didn't have any process with choosing the artwork I used, if it looked cool and it kind some kind of meaning to me, I used it. So, after laying out and drawing every piece I colored it and in the end I think it turned out really good. I might add something to the top left corner the next time I try and make a collage like this just to get rid of the white space.