
Lexi Pitts “Hungry Giraffe”

9x12 Pencil, 2019

I got my idea from my animal sketches. I just started looking up animals and a giraffe crossed my mind, so I started drawing a giraffe. I think giraffes are cool and they can do so many things, they can grab things from trees. The thing I would change would probably be the background and add things in the background by the tree. The thing I like about my drawing is that it pops out and it shows us what the giraffe is doing. I also like the spots and the tree in the background.

Lexi Pitts "Dinner Time"

8x11, Multi- Media, 2019

I got my idea from my brain. i know i wanted to do multiple things on a table and make things pop out. I like fruit and flowers. i would change the background and take the paint brushes out and put something else there that goes along with fruits and roses. I like the ros