Painting 1

Kyle Birks “Thumbs Up”

9x15,Acrylic, 2019

The style of painting I used for “Thumbs Up” painting was realism. My painting is my hand in a thumbs up position covering up the logo on my school computer that is sitting on the desk. The light is coming down onto my computer from the top right corner of the painting. I wanted to paint a thumbs up because I do that a lot specially to reply to people. I would change the shadow. I really like the glare of the light shining on the computer in the top right corner.

Kyle Birks "A singular tree"

9x12, Acrylic paint, paper, 2019

The style of my painting is realism. If I started over I would be more careful of how I made the pine needles. I really like how the tree looks in my painting. In the middle of my painting is a pine tree, and below that is some grass that doesn't look as best as it could, and the background is the sky with no clouds in it.

Kyle Birks "A painting for my"

9x12, Acrylic, 2019

The style of my painting is realism although it may not look like it. If I were to start over, I would change the color of the rabbit. The part I love most about this painting is that it is for my grandmother. I made the background green for the grass and I painted a bunny rabbit sitting in the grass with a daisy behind it because my grandmother's favorite flower is a daisy.

Kyle Birks “Abstract experiment”

16x20, Acrylic Paint, 2019

The style I used for this painting was abstract. What I did for this piece of art is I put paint on my hand and smeared them together and then wiped it on the canvas and later I did the same but with my fingers and then I painted the border purple using phthalo blue, brilliant red, white, and crimson. What would you change if you started over? If I had to start over I would some of the dark colors to be brighter. The part I love most about my painting is the multi-colored hand prints on the canvas.