Jasmine's Paintings

Jasmine Carter “tulips ”

9x12, water color on paper, 2019

The style of my painting is surrealism

MY painting is somewhat of a life lesson because shows that there can be beauty in anything you just have to look at it how you normally wouldn’t. My painting is simple but I used a variation of colors that make it very peaceful.

If I were to start over on this painting, I would add something to the background and not leave it white and maybe clean up around the flowers

I love how they flowers are not like any other flowers and they are many different colors.

Jasmine Carter “Garden”

12x18, water color on paper, 2019

The style of my painting is surrealism.

My painting symbolizes somewhat of an identity painting because this style of housing and the colors show my bright personality and the flowers glued on show how I am outgoing and I put myself out there

If I were to start over would have painted the house a little differently.

One thing that I love about my painting is that i decided to glue the flowers on the board to add more character.