Graphic Design I
Elements of Art Poster
Photoshop, 2017
In Graphic Design, we were given the project of choosing a element or principle and making a poster to go with it. I chose repetition. I drew out a sketch of how I wanted it to look. With repetition, I decided to repeat color in a pattern. I chose the colors pink, teal, and purple because they go together. I chose a normal font not to overpower the piece and to make it easy to read and understand. I was most pleased with how well I was able to fill in the boxes. I colored the boxes in and then went around and erased where I went over the line, it was the most time consuming part. If I could change one thing, I would add more repetition into the poster to make the message clear.
Expressive Typography Project
Photoshop, 2017
In Graphic Design, we were given a project to help us learn about typography. We were supposed to take a quote and make a picture and choose a text font that went with it. I love Disney, so I went with a quote from Walt Disney. I then thought of what matched Disney, a castle. I also wanted to add clouds to make it look whimsical. After sketching, I found out how I wanted to make it. I found a clipart castle and I cut out the background and then drew some clouds. This was all over a sunset gradient. I wasn’t planning on doing a gradient, but I felt like it tied the piece together. I picked the font that I did because it is the Disney font, so I didn’t have to worry about it not matching. Overall, I am very proud of this project, all though it looks simple. I am most pleased with the castle. It took a long time to cut out the back and make sure the castle was the right size and I had to desaturate it so that it went with everything else. If I could possibly change anything it would be the placement of “Walt Disney” it seems a little off, but I don’t know where else to put it.
Snapchat Geotag Filter
Photoshop, 2017
The DCDC asked the Graphic Design classes to make Snapchat Geotag Filters for different places around DeWitt. This one was for Frances Banta Waggoner Community Library. Seeing as it is a library, I thought books would be fitting so I found a clipart image from iclipart for schools of multiple bookshelves. I cut out the other shelves and just took one of them and put it at the bottom. I then found a font called “Bookshelves” and used that. I added a dark green boarder around the words to match the dark green in the library. I curved the name of the library and made sure it was all centered. The thing I am most pleased with in this project is how the bookshelf looks on the bottom and how it will look when there is a picture in it. If I were to change on things it would be the text. I have mixed feelings on it. I like the font but I’m not sure that I like how light it is and how the green boarder looks with it, but I’m not sure what other color to use.
Snapchat Geotag Filter
Photoshop, 2017
The second Snapchat Geotag Filter I did was for Lincoln Park. I struggled more with this one. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with it. I thought that maybe I would take a picture of Lincoln Park and make it look like clipart. I tried multiple times, but wasn’t happy with the result. I also tried the wooden saber that was there. I wasn’t happy with the say that looked either. I went onto iclipartforschools and found a clipart image for an empty bench. I chose a bench because it’s a park and people can go and sit and watch the squirrels play. I added grass under the bench so that it blended better together and the bench didn’t look weird. I then added “Lincoln Park” and “DeWitt, Iowa” in a font that I found called Funland Park. I thought that this font matched with the park theme. I am most pleased with the way that everything matches. If I could change one thing it would be the color. I would change it to a dark green to match the benches at the actual park.
In graphic design, we were told to take a picture of us and change it. We had to use a brush from and a font from Last fall some of my friends and I went to West Brook and took a bunch of pictures. I looked through those pictures to find one that was just of me. I figured that I had a lot of pictures of my friends and I so I wanted to put all those pictures as the background because they are important to me and part of who I am today. To start the designing I took a blank page and applied a grid so I could see how big or small the pictures needed to be. I then downloaded all of my pictures and started putting them in. I was a tedious process. I had to make sure that they fit. I had to distort some of the pictures, but it looked okay in the end. I then added the picture of me that I wanted and I lowered the opacity on it so that the pictures still had the background and weren't overpowering me. I then took the picture again and used a layer mask to cut out my face and body. I added that on top of the other, more opac, picture to make me stand out. I added the grain filter so that it didn’t distort my picture too much. To start with I had a different quote but I didn’t feel like it went well with all the pictures I had. I looked up quotes about friendship and I found one that I thought went well. I went on to 1001freefonts and found a font. I tried it out and didn’t like it so I went and found a new one. The one that I found is called Silent Reaction, I thought it fit better. On Brushking I found a heart brush and used it as a stamp next to my quote. I changed it to one of my favorite colors. I added a gray opaque box around my text to it was easy to read. I am most proud of the grid of pictures because it took a long time for me to find all the pictures and put them into place. If I were to change anything, it would be the filter over my face.
For this project, we had to create a propaganda poster. I struggled to choose a topic, but ended up choosing to make it over animal abuse and cruelty. I looked up some statics and found a website with them. I was shocked at everything that I saw. I took the fact that I thought was most fitting and used that to sketch my idea. I didn’t like my first sketch and I thought of another way to do it that I liked better. I sketched that out and liked it. I then turned it into what you see. I picked a bold font that would stand out and catch the persons eye. After getting feedback, I found out that it wasn’t as striking against the red background. I then added a while stroke around it to make it pop. I added the red on one side because that can be seen as an evil color. I made it gradient out to white, a pure color. On the red side, I added poison and a hand for the bad side. I also added a couple of sad animals and a brush that looks a little hand like. On the white side, I added happy animals and things that go with love. I am most pleased with the words because I feel like they stand out and with the fact, it can have an impact on people. If I could change anything it would be the brush. I don’t feel like it quite fits, but I couldn’t find a better brush.
In Graphic Design, we were told to choose a character or human and recreate them with words. I chose Moana from the Disney movie, Moana. I looked at lots of pictures of her to choose the right one. After I found the right one, I put her into Photoshop and erased the background. I then wrote down words that fit with her. I chose words like Moana, Maui, Motinui, etc. I started with her lips, eyes, and eye brows. I used single words until they filled them up. Some of the words, especially in the eyes, are unable to read because they are too small. I then did the skin and the hair. For them, I used blocks of text and erased the extra. Her skin is the song ‘How Far I’ll Go’ and her hair is the song ‘I am Moana’ I then doubled those layers and put them in a different color for the highlights and shadows. I used the pen tool to add an outline to define her. The last thing I did was the top. This was most time consuming. I used single words to create her top. I used the pen tool for all the lines. I used the warp tool to make the words look how I needed them to. I am most pleased with the eyes and eye brows. They have so much detail and her eyes stand out. If I were to change something is would be her top. I lost a lot of detail making it, but I wasn’t sure how to add all the detail and still make it look good, so I skipped on a lot of the detail and lines. Overall, I am very proud of my Moana.
Central DeWitt 1st Annual Film Festival
Photoshop, 2017
Central DeWitt is having their first film festival and we were in charge of making the posters. I made two options and went in two different directions. Both have a lot of white space because I didn’t want them to get too busy. On my first one, I found a camera that has a 3D effect and put that against a white background I picked out a bold black font to have contrast. Everything, except for my name, is in the same font. Overall, I really like this one and wouldn’t change anything. For my second one, I found a paperback book that looked like a script and found a fancy font. I put those on the book along with a film reel. The background is the same color as part of the book. I am also very proud with this one. I don’t know which one I like best.