

"Poor Mouse" Digital Photos, i-movie and modeling clay, 2022

By Donovan & Trevor

The mouse eats the cheese. The snake comes in and eats the mouse.

"Super Charger"

6x6x18" Stoneware and Glass, 2022

This is my favorite project I made and it is my expressive project too. I made this because my car has one and I tried to copy the look of it into clay it was very hard and challenging.

I started out with a bunch of clay and I shaped it into the supercharger. I forgot that it had to be hollow so I had to hollow the supercharger out and that probably took the longest time it was very difficult because it kept wanting to cave in on itself.

I made the artwork because it is a part of my car and I love my car. It is unique because not a lot of people make car parts out of clay. It is far from perfect but I like it and that is all the matters.


"3x3x8" Stoneware and Glass, 2022

This was my 2nd clay project I did and it is one of my favorites

These are my wheel thrown projects.

I have never done a project with clay before taking this class. I really like using the wheel and the blue one is my favortite one I made.


5x5x4 Stoneware and Glass, 2022

This is a utilitarian project I made this using the wheel and I like it because it is very unique and you don't see many square bowls made on the wheel. There was no real reason why I made it, It does not have any meaning to it I just made it for fun. The color I picked out to glaze was perfect and the bowl looks so much better.

I had difficulties keeping the sides up because they were so thin and I have trouble getting it off the wheel. I love the color I glazed it and how it is a square bowl and not a basic round bowl.

(IDEA) First explain what your idea is. How did you get the idea and how did it evolve? Inspirations from life experiences? Another Artwork?

(PROCESS) Explain your process. What tools and techniques did you use?

(SYMBOLISM & ICONOGRAPHY) What does the artwork mean? What do you want your audience to think about? Is there any symbolic imagery in the work?

(ARTISTIC GROWTH) What was most difficult for you? How did you overcome the struggles? What would you change if you started over?

(VISUAL VOICE) What style of art is this? (Realistic, Abstract, Surreal, Non-Objective?). What makes it unique to your own personal style? What do you love about it?