Painting II

Alina Manvelova

"Chicago at Night"

12x18" Acrylic and Sharpie on Paper, 2019

I decided to draw Chicago skyline at night, because it identifies me as a person. I'm in love with big cities and it's bustle. I'm also a night person, which means I love how city lights up at night and how moon becomes bigger and closer, the same thing with the stars. I decided to add some reflection of lights in the water, to make this painting more beautiful and real. If I had to start over and change some things, I would make the sky a little bit darker, so that you can see the stars better. I love everything about this painting, especially the way my buildings turned out and the colors in them.

Alina Manvelova "The Fox"

12x18" Acrylic on Canvas, 2019

I decided to paint a fox because I find them the most mysterious and beautiful animal. I was trying to show expressions of fox's emotions. If you look at the painting closer you can tell that something is bothering him. When I painted this fox, I thought of a hope a lot. The fox goes to the mountain every single morning in hope of love or whatever it could be. I decided to make a mountain very high, so that you can tell that fox isn't scared of any challenges. He will do anything to make it to the top. If I had to start over and change some things, I would make the hill more grassy and realistic. I also would add more colors into my sunset. I love how my fox turned it. This painting looks realistic and mysterious.