

Through multiple measures of ability and achievement, we aim to equitably identify students whose exceptional ability or potential necessitates special education services beyond what is offered through the regular core curriculum.


There are multiple paths to nomination. Students are nominated for further screening based on their Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) results, teacher nomination, Thinking Skills classroom performance, and standardized test scores.

Students in 3rd, 5th, and 8th grade took the complete CogAT in Spring of 2021. In Spring 2022, the CogAT screener and post-screener will be utilized.


Nominated students receive further screening to determine their unique needs as it relates to the Extended Learning Program. The screening team may include: classroom teachers, principals, and ELP teachers. Students’ abilities and needs are screened as outlined below.

Pathway 1

Objective Data:

Students who demonstrate the need for significant intellectual or academic challenge based on their Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) and their full Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) score will be considered for the Extended Learning Program. In Centerville, we utilize local norms to identify students based on their needs as it relates to the needs within the Centerville Community School District.

Subjective Data:

Classroom performance measured via the Scales for Rating Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students, teacher recommendations, parent information, and other relevant data or work samples will be considered.

Pathway 2

Students who demonstrate advanced potential and underdeveloped/ lower than expected achievement (including twice exceptional students, English Language Learners, and students with less opportunity to learn due to poverty) will be assessed using this pathway. These barriers to learning should not prevent identification.

Objective Data:

High performance on ISASP, CogAT and/or other reliable assessment will qualify for further screening.

Subjective Data:

Classroom performance measured via the Scales for Rating Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students, ELP interview, teacher recommendations, parent information, and other relevant data or work samples will be considered.


Students demonstrating potential and a need for additional differentiated programing when compared to their age level peers will qualify for extended learning services in math and/or language arts. Successful participation in the elementary program is required for middle school placement unless the student is a recent transfer or recently qualified for services. We will evaluate placements on a yearly basis to determine whether your child would benefit from services the following year.