Centerville COmmunity School District's Extended Learning Program

Definition of Giftedness

"Gifted and talented children" are those identified as possessing outstanding abilities who are capable of high performance. Gifted and talented children are children who require appropriate instruction and educational services commensurate with their abilities and needs beyond those provided by the regular school program.

Gifted and talented children include those children with demonstrated achievement or potential ability, or both, in any of the following areas or in combination that requires special education services beyond those provided by the core curriculum:

1. General intellectual ability.

2. Creative thinking.

3. Specific ability aptitude.


Our goal is to identify students from diverse populations who possess outstanding abilities and are capable of high performance. We will provide educational services and professional support to maximize potential and foster the holistic growth of each student as a unique individual.


We envision a community collaboratively engaged in enriching the education of gifted and high potential learners to foster personal excellence and lifelong learning.


The Extended Learning Program (ELP), in partnership with all staff throughout the district, aims to ensure all students will be given an appropriate educational experience that matches their abilities and potential, with abundant opportunities for intellectual and creative challenge and growth.

Identified students will engage in above level academic, creative, and problem solving tasks with the goal of:

1. Promoting a year’s worth of academic growth

2. Developing collaboration and communication skills

3. Fostering self-regulation and self-advocacy

4. And encouraging critical thinking.

ELP students benefit from tailored social and emotional support, high expectations, and interest-based tasks.