Did you know...

...that your SimplicityCam document camera has an entire YouTube playlist of short video tutorials??!! Work smarter, not harder and take a few minutes to check it out. Want to feature student work and annotate over it? Looking to compare two images and need one to freeze? Learn how to use the split screen function and more to make your camera work for your classroom! Click on the picture to the right and become an XSight expert! Let Brenda or Michelle know if you need any help or if you find an awesome new way to incorporate your document camera into your classroom.

Click on the image below to get to XSight's YouTube channel

XSight for Recordex YouTube image and link

Resources from Help Sessions  

Easy Interactive Tools: https://files.support.epson.com/docid/cpd4/cpd40861.pdf

XSight Recordex Document Camera help: http://www.recordexusa.com/support-simplicitycam-xsight.html  Follow the link to a useful getting started PowerPoint and FAQs!

Google Keep in action

Alyce Weikel, Spanish teacher extraordinaire, had her kids create "notes" on Google Keep! The kids were able to use Keep as a way to research and hold tight to their notes on the countries they were investigating. What a fun lesson and way to use Google Keep.