What is ISJ?

Program overview

Centennial School's In-School Job (ISJ) program offers middle and high school students unpaid work experiences within the school environment with the goal of teaching occupational skills in a simulated work setting. Examples of jobs that are available include: administrative and clerical, reception, custodial and maintenance, food preparation and setup, technology, and inventory and tracking.

How do i get an In-School job?

Interested students that wish to apply for an ISJ need to complete an application packet and go through an interview process. Applicants should be prepared to provide references and receive feedback on their interview skills. See the ISJ bulletin board for job postings or see Mrs. Caricari for more information.

High school students will have the opportunity to participate in In-School Jobs as part of their class schedule. Students may also be scheduled for a job based on their transition needs, IEP team decisions, and postsecondary goals.

what happens after i am hired?

Once hired, ISJ employees are assessed daily on their work performance in ten employment skills listed on a vocational assessment form. Students can earn one point in each skill area on the form, when their work performance meets the teacher's expectations. At the end of each work week, students receive a paycheck worth points based on their performance.