What Is a Leased Line And How It Works?

Read on to know more about leased lines so that you can understand how they can be beneficial for your business.

The high quality and reliable internet is a great need of time to complete most of the day to day business processes. And if your business is internet critical, you must need an uncontended internet connection 24/7. Typically businesses use conventional broadband for internet connection. But as now most businesses are now using cloud-based applications that will not perform well if your internet speed is low. Broadband is a shared connection, and speed slows down at peak hours, ultimately affecting your business performance. It is a reason that businesses are shifting to the leased line connection to get a secure, fast and reliable internet connection.

What is A leased Line?

A leased-line is an uncontended, fixed bandwidth and symmetric data connection. It provides data-hungry businesses with high-quality and reliable connectivity solutions with ultra-fast speed. Actually, it is a service contract between customer and provider. Therefore, it provides a service that is beyond and above broadband. A leased line usually have the following characteristics:

  1. Dedicated Connection

A leased line is a connection that is only for your use, and you do not need to share it with any other local business. That is why it offers guaranteed speed and availability round the clock.

  1. Symmetrical Speed

Unlike traditional broadband, a leased line offers you symmetrical speed. It means that you will get the same upload and download speeds and share files with clients and other team members in no time.

  1. Point to Point

Another characteristic of a business leased line is that it connects two points together with a business location with the internet service provider.

With a dedicated internet line, you can receive the bandwidth for which you have paid as only you have access to it.

How Leased Lines Work?

A fiber optic leased line works on the same technology as fiber-optic broadband. It works by sending pulses of light over a fiber optic cable. The data travels with the speed of light, which is the reason behind the astonishing speed of the leased line. When you send data through fiber optic cables, the equipment on the other end looks for the light, whether it is on or off. This light signal represents the binary of 0s and 1s. Equipment at one end turns the light on or off depending on this binary code. While the equipment at the other end recognizes the light signal, records it and stores it back in the form of binary 1s and 0s.

how leased line Works? This is Basically leased transfers data over fiber optic cables. One significant benefit of leased line connection is that it comes with a robust service level agreement which ensures minimum uptime.

You should choose a dedicated internet line to perform your business-critical tasks efficiently and improve productivity. First, however, you should do research and shop around to find the best-leased line provider that offers you high-quality service at a competitive rate.