

Why should I get involved?

Joining one or more of about 100 different ORGs across Cedarville's campus allows students to connect, grow, and serve through Student Organizations (ORGs), Ministries, events and programs to ensure a holistic Cedarville experience. 

What is an ORG?

An "ORG" is a student led organization on campus designed to foster community, develop students professionally, and further the mission of Cedarville University. They all function differently and serve different communities - but we believe that ORGs offer a place for students to engage with peers with similar interests, gifts and passions. 

How do I join an ORG?

All ORGs have different processes. Some are open to all students, others are open to students in specific majors, and some include interview/audition processes. If you have questions about joining an org, email the contact below the ORG on this site!


How do I get my ORGs email login information?

Submit a GL/Email Access Request through the Student Organization Form

How do I create a new ORG?

Submit the Student Organization Form titled "Create a New Student Organization" and/or stop by the Student Office (SSC 152) during one of our office hours to talk through your new ORG idea.

Do not start operating as an official Org until AFTER the request has been approved.

What happens after I submit an Org Creation Request? 

The Involvement Committee thoroughly reviews and analyzes each new incentive request during weekly Involvement meetings. Approval/denial is considered according to the following criteria: 

 What is the sustainability & uniqueness of the proposed organization?

Are the proposed Advisor and Officers qualified and committed?

Are there enough interested Members?

Do we have anything like this on campus already/are there alternative options for a group with these goals?

Who does this Org benefit?

How does this Org plan to fulfill their mission and vision?

Does the addition of this Org benefit the Cedarville Student Body?

If the request is approved by the Committee, it is presented to the SGA Board of Directors. If approved, it is presented to the Director of Campus Experience. If approved, the proposed officers will receive a congratulatory email and an invite to an Org Officer Onboarding Canvas Course. 

This process usually takes 3-5 weeks. The Org will not be fully created until training has been completed and the Officer Assessment and Org Constitution have been submitted. 

How do I update my ORG's description on the Involvement website?

Submit the updated description through the "Update Website Description" assignment, located in Module 2 on the canvas Course, or include a description in your Org Officer Assessment after completing ExplORG training. We will edit the website at our earliest convenience. 

How can I get a playlist approved for my event?

Email the Campus Experience Director (Brian Burns) with a link to your playlist at least 2 weeks before the event. 

Why do I need to submit an Org Constitution?

Constitutions serve as a guiding document to ensure Org success. They should include operating procedures, a mission statement, roles and responsibilities, and signatures from the President, Advisor, and an Involvement Director. 

Constitution Templates can be copied and edited to fit your Org's specific needs and goals. Once your Constitution is complete, submit it for approval on Canvas. You will receive a comment when it has been signed and approved by the Involvement Team.


How do I get a table in the Lower SSC?

We can have up to 4 tables in the Lower SSC at any one time. ORGs use these tables to sell items, recruit members, or advocate on a culturally relevant issue.

To get a table, check the table reservations calendar from the events page to find a spot that works best. Then submit a "Table Request" through the Student Organization Form two weeks before the date you wish to host a table. 

Where can I get my table and what accommodations are included?

You can grab your table from the SGA student office in the Lower SSC at 11:00 AM. The SGA member in the office can help you get it in the morning. Return the table by 4:00 PM and make sure your area is cleaned up before you leave.

 You can also find chairs to use under the stairwell if there are any available. If not, you will be responsible for bringing your own chairs. 

Can I store tabling decorations or products in the SSC/Student office if I am tabling for multiple days? 

We do not have a designated place for ORG Tabling Storage. You are responsible to find storage for your own Org. 

Where can I set up my table in the Lower SSC?

See this map for where you may set up tables. 

Can we have a non-Cedarville student sitting at our table? 

Orgs may email the Director of Campus Experience (Brian Burns) requesting to have an outside representative on campus at a table.


What are the responsibilities of the president?

The president has the unique and special opportunity to recruit members, manage officers, organize events, lead a team, delegate responsibilities, and promote the mission of the organization through their leadership.  The skills and leadership learned while serving as an ORG president are applicable in any career field! They are also responsible for submitting all assignments on the canvas course and communicating necessary information to their officer team. 

What are the responsibilities of the treasurer?

The treasurer has the important job of keeping accurate records of ORG funds, depositing funds to the Cashier's Office, submitting incentive fund requests, and filling out requisition forms for reimbursements. The treasurer functions as the backbone of the ORG! The treasurer can apply the administrative and leadership skills they learned while serving as an ORG officer in their future fields! 

What are the responsibilities of the advisor?

Check out our advisors page to see what makes a great advisor! 

*Further training materials are currently being developed for Advisor success.

What other officers do we need?

That is up to each Org's officer team and depends on specific ORG needs. The responsibilities of all officers should be outlined in the Org Constitution

How do we ensure ORG Sustainability?

Make sure you have Officers for next year prepared to serve before the end of the current year. 

Some ORGs become unsuccessful when they don't find new  leadership every year and/or interest dies. 


How do I check my GL account balance?

After this, you should be able to see a chart that tells you how much money you have in your account. 

If you get a "Warning Message 376, You are not authorized to view account" fill out a GL Access Request on the Student Organization Form.

How does an ORG make money?

There are 3 ways to make money as an ORG:

How does an ORG collect dues?

There are two options for collecting dues:

 1. Obtain a cashbox from the cashier’s office (down the hallway on the right of the post office in the SSC) and have members place cash or checks in the cashbox. Once completed, return the cashbox to the cashier’s office with the cash inside. (Preferred method).

2. Have each ORG member go directly to the cashier's office (down the hallway on the right of the post office in the SSC) and deposit the dues with the cashier. The ORG member will need to know the ORG's GL number to tell the cashier. 

Where can you find the cash box? 

The cash box can be found in the Cashier's office, located in SSC 130. The office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:00pm. 

What is a GL account?

General Ledger (GL) accounts are like bank accounts for ORGs! Each ORG has a GL account with its own unique number which looks like this: 0-07000-4100. All money for an ORG is kept here, and the reason its done this way is for transparency and accountability. All GL accounts are maintained by Accounts Payable in Founders Hall.

We only grant GL access to ORG treasurers and advisors. Fill out the "GL Access Request" form on our forms page to get access.

How does an ORG spend money from the GL account?

There are 2 ways for an ORG to spend money from its GL account:

After you fill out the Requisition Form, bring it to the Student office where the Campus Experience Director (Brian Burns) or the Campus Experience Specialist (Dan MacDougall) will sign it for you. 

Accounts Payable will then take the Requisition Form and move the money from your ORG's GL account, and mail a check to you or the company being reimbursed.

*an invoice is a slip of paper that lists the products and services a business provided to you and establishes an obligation on your part to pay for those products and services.

How do I fill out a Requisition Form?

Can my ORG get reimbursed or get incentive funds for Gift Cards?

Cedarville University does not reimburse any purchase of gift cards. Cash rewards are also not reimbursable. Physical products and event invoices are examples of acceptable reasons for reimbursment. 

How should a check for an ORG be addressed?

Checks can be made out to Cedarville University, with the specific ORG's name in the Memo line

Incentive Funds 

How does my ORG apply for an incentive fund?

Submit the "Incentive Funds Request" in the Student Organization Form. This request will be reviewed by the Involvement Committee. Expect to receive an update on the status of your request from within two weeks of submission. 

Requests MUST BE submitted at least THREE WEEKS prior to the event. Please make sure you grant viewing access to if you share a budget overview spreadsheet (recommended). 

Do not spend money until AFTER your request has been approved. 

What are the different tiers of incentive funds? 

Tier 1: $100 (event for your ORG only)

Tier 2: $250 (event put on by your ORG for the student body)

Tier 3: $500 (event put on by your ORG and another ORG for the student body)

How are Incentive Funds Approved?

The Involvement Committee thoroughly reviews and analyzes each new incentive request during weekly Involvement meetings. Questions addressed during the approval/denial process include: 

Have they done their part to get their own funds (fundraising/asking their department/event fees?)

Does this Org require membership dues, which show proof of a commitment to involvement?

How much money do they already have?

Has this Org received any other Incentive Fund money this school year?

How many people will this money potentially benefit? 

Is the budget in the Incentive Fund Request thorough enough to make a decision?

How much time is there left in the school year?

How much money is there left in the Incentive Fund budget?

If the request is approved by the Involvement Committee, it is presented to the Director of Campus Experience. If approved, the Org's treasurer will receive a congratulatory email and the appropriate funds will be transferred to the Org's GL account. 


What classifies as an Org event? 

Orgs have the unique opportunity to put on events for their members and even the Cedarville community. When planning events, ORGs need to think about the purpose of putting on the event, and the audience that they are trying to reach

Examples of events include a dance party, performance/presentation, game night, guest speaker, educational seminar, etc.

How do I request an event?

Make an event request, which must be submitted 3 weeks in advance via CU Involvement site forms page or the secure the date form on myCU. If the event is approved, you can submit a room reservation request. 

All events need to be approved by your advisor. 

If you are having a dance or are inviting an outside speaker, email the Director of Campus Experience (Brian Burns) for approval. 

Where can we have a dance?

Dance events are allowed in Alford and the SSC event rooms. Off campus dances require specific approval from Brian Burns and your advisor. 

What are the expectations for a dance? 

Event location and playlists must be approved by the Director of Campus Experience (Brian Burns). The ORG Advisor needs to be present throughout the entirety of the dance. 

Where can my ORG get help with tech needs? 

Your Org can get tech help under "Information Technology Request" on MyCU. Tech requests MUST BE submitted at least ONE WEEK prior to the event. 


Can I use posters to advertise for the event? 

Posters can be used, but must be approved by Campus Experience at the Information Desk in the upper level of the Stevens Student Center. 

You can put up a maximum of 4 posters

Where can my ORG print promotional materials? 

The Print Services Office is a great resource for printing materials. The Print Services office is located in SSC 171. The office is open Monday-Friday: 8am-4:30pm, and they are closed on Saturday and Sunday. 

Where can I hang posters around campus?

You are allowed to hang up to 4 posters (11x17) on the brick walls in the Lower SSC using painters tape. In order to get your posters approved, take them to the Information Desk in the upper SSC. They will put an approval sticker on it. You are allowed to hang posters for up to two weeks. The Information Desk will provide painters tape if you need it. 

If you would like to hang posters up in dorms, you must contact the RD of that dorm. If you would like to hang posters in an academic building, you must contact the Dean of the Department (Ex: Bible for the BTS, Engineering for the ENS, Nursing for the HSC, Business for Milner, etc.)

How can I get my Org's event advertised on an SSC Slide?

Submit an SSC Slide Request. Content must be professional and appropriate. Slides can be displayed for a maximum of two weeks. Email with questions about SSC Slides. 


How do I get  ORG initiation activities approved?

Submit an "Initiation Request" through the Student Organization Form four weeks before the date you wish to facilitate a new members initiation event. These events also often require an approval meeting with the Director of Campus Experience (Brian Burns). Do not host or participate in any initiation activities before approval. 

How does the university define hazing

The university defines hazing as anything that...

- Creates a risk or injury

- Creates discomfort

- Causes embarrassment

- Involves degradation

- Involves humiliation

- Involves ridicule

- Involves or includes the wilful destruction of public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in an organization.

What is the purpose of the Hazing Prevention training? Who needs to take this course on canvas? 

As required by Ohio State Law, every university student participating in any Org activities must complete a Hazing Prevention course. Therefore, before participating in Org activities, all Org members must also complete this course. Every Cedarville Student is automatically assigned to the Hazing Prevention Course and will receive an email upon completion. 

In order to complete the Hazing Prevention Course, navigate to your "Courses" section of Canvas and select "Hazing Prevention Training." Follow the instructions listed there. There are a series of videos and quiz questions which can be completed in about 15 minutes. 

Disciplinary Actions 

What is a warning? 

Warning: Caution that a group has not met expectations. No disciplinary action. Two warnings may result in probation. Warnings come from both SGA Involvement Directors and the Director of Student Life Programs. 

What is a probation? 

Probation: Can result after two warnings. GL access is frozen. Access given with permission from the Director of Student Life Programs. Monthly meetings between the president and the advisor of the ORG to discuss the activity and culture of an ORG. 

What is a suspension? 

Suspension: Results after two consecutive probations. GL and email accounts are frozen and totally inaccessible. ORG is not allowed to operate on campus. Members of the ORG cannot create, join, or participate in any other ORG activities.

What is disbandment? 

Disbandment: Results after two consecutive suspensions. GL account is permanently closed and the remaining funds are transferred to the SGA account. The email account is permanently closed. 

Question not listed? Send us an email and we'll get back to you ASAP. You can get in touch the SGA involvement team here.