Webster ACP

Academic and Career Planning, or ACP, is a student-driven, adult supported process in which students create and cultivate their own unique and information based vision for post secondary success, obtained through self- exploration, career exploration, and the development of career management and planning skills.


A key aspect of the Cedarburg School District is to dream big and be goal driven. To help students reach their goals and dreams, we deliberately provide an extensive array of lessons and opportunities for students to learn more about themselves:

  • Learn about their strengths and interests (Personal Development)
  • Develop a pathway to achieve their educational and career goals ( Explore and Plan)
  • Graduate ready to make their dreams and goals a reality (Do)

Dream big, and be goal driven...is the essence of the Cedarburg School District


Cedarburg School District ACP Mission Statement:

To equip students with a broad skillset so that they have the ability to adapt to opportunities and challenges on their personalized journeys to successful lives.