Parish Committees, Groups and  Activities

Index of Parish Committees, Groups & Activities

Parishioners are encouraged to participate in PPCC meetings. Meetings are attended by the Parish Priest and representatives from St Joseph’s School, St Kevin’s College and main Parish committees.

Parishioners are welcome to submit comments and suggestions in writing to the Parish Office for discussion at PPCC meetings.

The monthly meetings are held in the Dean O’Reilly Lounge at 7pm on the second Thursday of the month.

2. Liturgy / Mass

The Masses at Kurow are organised by the parishioners in this community. 

Contact: Elspeth Wallace (03 436 0463)


The committees, groups and activities mentioned in the following section refer to Liturgies and Masses in Oamaru.


a) The Liturgy Committee

Co-ordinates the organisation and planning of the Basilica Masses and Liturgies  which includes the rosters for parishioner involvement in the Liturgical Ministries. Rosters are prepared 6 monthly in advance. The committee meets bi-monthly on the 4th Thursday of even numbered months at 4pm in the Parish Centre. (Please check) Enquiries to Nicola Mountain, Chair (021 659 757)


b) Music: Leaders/Organists/Choir/Music Groups

Easter and Christmas liturgies are organised by Nicola Mountain.

A few liturgy committee members, along with members of the music team, prepare a monthly roster for the weekend Masses at the Basilica. New leaders, singers, musicians and new ideas welcomed.

Contact: Nicola Mountain, Chair (021 659 757)


c) Greeters/Welcomers

Are on a roster and arrive at least 30 minutes before Mass to welcome all including new parishioners and visitors to the Parish.

Contact: Shirley Johnston (437 0479) for 5pm Mass

                Espie Orlowski    (437 1932) for 9.30am Mass

d) Altar Servers

The Co-ordinator arranges the roster and trains new Servers.  

Contact: Tua Misiloi (027 360 5577), Jen Herbst (021 108 8124)


e) Children’s Liturgy Sheets

These are based on the Sunday Gospel and are available in the porch for children to take home after Mass.


f) Readers

Are rostered for the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Basilica Masses.  Training is arranged for new readers as required.

Contact: Rosemary Burke (437 2211) for 5pm Mass

           Olive Roundhill (027 248 5843) for 9.30am Mass


g) Intercessory Prayer Writers

Are rostered to prepare the weekly Intercessory  Prayers.

More volunteers needed.

Contact: Elaine Hurley (022 632 6600)


h) Collectors

Collect the monetary offerings at weekend Masses.

Collectors are rostered for the Sunday Mass.

Contact: Olive Roundhill (437 1890)


i) Processors of Gifts

Are rostered for 9.30am Masses.

Contact: Olive Roundhill (027 248 5843)



j) Eucharistic Ministers

Training is offered to new ministers. 

Contact: Tony Kearns (437 1694)



k) Distributors of Bulletins

Are rostered and distribute Weekly bulletins and Parishioners at the end of the Basilica Masses. Volunteers required.

Contact: Sue Henderson (434 5584) for 9.30am Mass


l) Technology Operators - Training and Operation

Operators are trained to assist with setting up, operating and clearing up sound equipment when needed.  Volunteers required.


m) Counters

Are responsible for counting the parish weekly collections after the weekend Masses.  This usually takes up to thirty minutes.  Offers of assistance would be appreciated.

Contact: Anthea & Pat Finlay (431 7826)


n) Sacristans

Are rostered for a month at a time.  Their role is to set up before and clear up after the weekend Masses and keep the Vestments in a condition worthy of their use.

Contact: Tony Kearns (437 1694, 027 339 7780)


o) Altar Society

Cleans the altar, keeps linen, etc in a condition worthy of their use. The volunteers serve two consecutive weeks every three months.

Volunteers welcome to  help with flowers (no roster at present).

Contact: Carmen Sutherland  (027 342 0668) for Altar Cleaning

           Anthea Finlay (431 7826) for Altar Linen

           Marion Morris (434 7551) for Altar Brass Cleaning

       Glenys Kearns (437 1694) for Flowers (no roster)


p) Church Cleaning

There is a six monthly roster for regular Basilica/Lounge cleaning.  Generally you will only be required once or twice a year. 

Christmas Basilica Cleaning is usually carried out on Fridays. In the last week of November/beginning December, dates will be published in the Bulletin. It takes one to two hours per year. Tasks are worked around volunteers’ capabilities. Volunteers needed.

For Basilica Cleaning, Contact: Elaine Hurley (022 632 6600)

For Lounge & Parish Centre Cleaning

Contact: Anthea Finlay (431 7826)


3. Prayer

a) Community Rosary (see pg 5)

Meets for Rosary, Scripture and a cup of tea on Saturdays.

Contact: Fely Parker (434  9918, 021 211 1181)



b) Prayer Chain

Prays for others by passing on a prayer need by telephone from one person to the next.  This is a confidential service and names can be given or you can remain anonymous. 

Contact: Roseanne Sheridan (434 5717) with prayer needs.


d) Prayer Group

 between 2-3 pm on Tuesdays in the Parish Centre meeting room. 

Contact: Maurice Mulligan (437 0338), Fely Parker (434 9118)




4. Education

Contact Fr Fredy for a-f

a)   Baptism Preparation

 b)   First Reconciliation

 c)   First Holy Communion Preparation

 d)   Confirmation Preparation

 e)   Marriage Preparation

 f)   Information about becoming a Catholic

 Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

 g)   Home Study Groups

Work through discussion programmes.  Different venues are arranged and details are advertised in the weekly bulletin.

All welcome.

5. Hospitality / Welfare



Groups of individuals who make themselves available to:

a)   Host Visitors, speakers etc *

b)   Transport people to/from Mass*

 c)   Serve monthly Sunday morning teas (last Sun of month)

 d)   Welcome new parishioners*

 e)   Contribute food for parish/school freezer*

 f)   Help with Priest’s meals for Saturday*

 g)   Help occasionally with meals on wheels*

 h)   Help with social events**

 i) Help with refreshments after funerals **

* Volunteers needed. Contact Elaine Hurley (434 8543)

** Volunteers needed. Contact: Lynne Cullimore (434 1087



k) Bereavement Support

If you, or someone you know, needs support or help at this time please inform Fr. Fredy or Elaine at the Parish Office

l) Parish Family Groups

At present there is one Parish Family Group active in the parish- Phoenix. This group meets on the second Sunday of the month at 12 noon in the Dean O’Reilly Lounge for a Pot Luck Sunday Lunch, activities and fellowship.  All welcome.

m) St Vincent de Paul

Vincentians address the needs of people in the wider community through personal contact providing help to alleviate suffering and promote human dignity and personal integrity.

Contacts: Des Burke (437 2211)

n) Visiting the Sick and Elderly and taking them Holy Communion New volunteers welcomed.

Contact: Fr Fredy

 o) Provide Community Support

Contact: Elaine Hurley (434 8543)

6. Social Justice


a) Social Justice/Caritas


b) Operation Christmas Child

Collects boxes of Christmas gifts which are sent via the charity Samaritan’s purse to children in developing countries. 

Contact: Roseanne Sheridan (434 5717)


c) Voice for Life

Is a non-denominational, national association speaking up for a person’s right to life (eg. re abortion, euthanasia). Meets 2nd Monday each month.

Contact:  Gloria Mansfield (434 7645).


7. Ecumenism and Evangelisation

a)   Ecumenical Events and Bible Society

Please see bulletin for details.

Contact: Neroli Cottam (434 1598, 021 151 1647)

b)   World Day of Prayer

This is an annual event usually on first Friday of March.

c)   Ecumenical Spring Afternoon

Women’s groups from local churches meet annually.

d)   Food Bank

There is a collection basket in the Basilica foyer for any donations of non-perishable food. Basilica open 8am – 4pm daily

e) Oamaru Combined Churches Christmas Parcels Trust

Contact: Adrienne Wylie (03 434 8436)


8. Youth

a) Young Vinnies

Students from St Joseph’s School involved in Fundraising activities and service in the wider community.

Contact: Adrienne Spillane (434 8856)


b) Music at Mass

Young people are invited to join the youth music groups.

Contact: Leanne Brookes (021 161 5052)


9. Administration


Parish Office - In the Patrick Greaney Centre   (on the right of the Basilica as you face the building)


Contact: Elaine Hurley

 Tuesday - Friday 8am-2pm

 Phone: (03) 434 8543

 Text: 022 632 6600


a) Finance Council

Meet the third Thursday of the month at 5pm in the Parish Centre Meeting Room.

Oversees the finances of the parish, including the Planned Giving.

To join the Planned Giving Scheme, please contact the Parish Office or put a note in the collection plate at mass.

Contact: Barry Rooney (433 1043 (W))


b) Works and Maintenance Committee

Meets the first Tuesday of each month in the Parish Centre Meeting Room at 7:30pm.

Contact: Ken Tierney (03 434 5516)


c) Building Strategy Group

Fr Wayne formed this group in 2019 to look at the  parishioners’ ideas for refurbishment and renovation of the Basilica.

Contact: Dave Marriott (027 244 6716)


d) Parishioner

Is our monthly parish magazine which includes the rosters.

Notices, reports, advertising, articles etc. to be given to Judy Moffat by the 3rd Sunday of the Month.

New advertisers/sponsors are always welcome.

Contact: Judy Moffat (434 7313). Email:


Judy also organises a monthly morning tea at 10am on the last

Thursday of the month at the Peter Pan Bakery and Café.

All Welcome.  Bring a friend.