From the CID Chairman & Vice Chairman

Dear Chamblee Doraville CID Stakeholders,

2023 was another successful year for the Chamblee Doraville CID. As of the date of this letter, we are on the precipice of seeing the commencement of construction for one of our early project initiatives. While this project is not the most complex project on our list, it stands as an excellent example of the power of partnerships as it will combine funds from the CID, GDOT, and the City of Chamblee to design and construct needed pedestrian enhancements in some of the more heavily traveled pedestrian corridors. 

While we eagerly anticipate achieving this major milestone, we are even more excited about the advancements we made on several additional CID-led projects. We now have a focused work program of nearly 20 projects representing more than $20M of new infrastructure investment. As we work to secure the funding stack for this work program, we will continue to seek opportunities to leverage the CID dollars that our members invest with funding from other sources. 

I invite you to read on as the remainder of this report will highlight the areas where our talented team has been focusing its energy and effort. Alongside the elected officials of our City and County partners, we continue to work to improve the community’s quality of life and address the infrastructure burdens that come with the success that Chamblee and Doraville continue to enjoy.


Josh Harrison, CID Chairman Vince Riggio, CID Vice Chairman

President, Pattillo Industrial Real Estate Founding Partner, Trinity Development Group

CID Board of Directors

The CID represents more than 100 commercial property owners covering 167 parcels. The board of directors is comprised of those members either elected, or members who are appointed by city and county partners. 

Josh Harrison
Pattillo Industrial Real Estate
CID Chairman
City of Chamblee Appointee

Vince Riggio
Trinity Development Group
CID Vice Chairman

Matt Oppenheimer
Halpern Enterprises
CID Secretary/Treasurer
City of Doraville Appointee

Stacey Ellis-Hodges  
Jim Ellis Automotive Group

Greg Lewis
Selig Enterprises


DeKalb County Appointee

Randy Holmes
Seven Oaks Company

Brent Reid
The Winter Companies

The CID's Location Within Metro Atlanta 

The CID's Mobility Improvement Projects 

Peachtree Boulevard Intersection Realignment

This project will improve safety at one of the most heavily trafficked intersections in the district. The CID has committed $992K and secured $1.58M in local and federal funding, with contracting for the award taking place throughout 2023. A design firm was procured by the end of the year, and efforts will commence in 2024. The CID continues to seek opportunities to close the funding gap before going to construction. 

Peachtree Blvd Pedestrian Enhancements 

This project fills in sidewalks and constructs pedestrian refuge islands along a stretch of Peachtree Boulevard, improving pedestrian access to businesses in the area. In 2023, the CID committed $300K to design the gaps and secured another $1.1M from Georgia DOT and Chamblee for construction. Seven segments will be under construction in 2024.

East-West Railroad Crossing

This project seeks another route to cross the Norfolk Southern and MARTA rail lines, which disconnect the community. The CID has contributed $100K and secured $400K in federal funding to perform a feasibility study. Contracting for the award took place throughout 2023 with a consulting firm procured at the end of the year

Shallowford Road Enhancements 

This project aims to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists traveling from Buford Highway to the Doraville MARTA station. To date, the CID has committed $20K and secured $800K in local and federal funding. A concept report was prepared by Doraville in 2023. Once approved by Georgia DOT, a design consultant will be procured in 2024. 

Top End Express Lanes, Transit, & Trails

Georgia DOT will construct express lanes across the Top End of I-285 in the coming years. The CID is an interested partner in this effort. In 2023, the CID continued collaborating with neighboring CIDs and cities to maximize the benefits of this regional infrastructure. In 2023, state and regional agencies came to the table to assist with plans for a regional trail and high-capacity transit along the route. Design firms will be procured in 2024.

Buford Highway Access Management Plan

The CID and neighboring cities along Buford Highway are collaborating on improved safety features along this state route. Led by Doraville, a $200K federal 'Safe Streets For All' grant and the CID's contribution of 50K will develop a Safety Action Plan. Contracting for the federal award took place through 2023 along with procurement of a design firm.

Real Estate in the Surrounding Business Area

Type of Real Estate 

Value of Real Estate

5 Year Growth in CID Property Values

There are approximately 2,000 parcels in the surrounding business area, with 743 (38%) of them eligible to participate in the CID. The CID consists of 167 of the total eligible 743 commercial parcels.

Eligible properties include those that are used for non-residential, commercial purposes only. This includes industrial, retail, office, and hotel. Neither multi-family nor single-family parcels are eligible

Within the CID membership, properties amount to more than $607M in FMV/Appraised Value or almost $243M in Assessed Value. (See chart left). This is a 24% increase in property values over the previous year. 

5 Year Growth in CID Tax Revenues 

The CID sources revenues through an assessment placed on members' properties. The CID board of directors determines the level of assessment, not government partners. Since inception, the board has selected the maximum allowable amount of 5 mills. This amounts to $5 per $1,000 of assessed property value. These funds allow the CID to leverage government grants to plan, design, and construct projects important to businesses and the community.

In 2023, the CID collected $1.0M, or approximately 90% of taxes levied. This is an increase of 16.2% over the previous year. 

Over the past five years, the CID has collected a total of $4.2M. Most funds (~75%) are invested in the development of capital projects. The remainder is for professional support (legal, management, etc.) and advocacy needs.

City of Chamblee Highlights 

Chamblee's strategic planning bore fruit in 2023, ushering in a wave of enhancements that prioritized community health and accessibility.

The newly inaugurated City Hall, designed as a testament to Chamblee's rich history and promising future, was the recipient of two awards in 2023 after opening in the fall of 2022.

Expanding connectivity and promoting active lifestyles, three segments of the multi-modal Rail Trail, now spanning two miles, were unveiled, providing residents with access to alternative transit options and convenient opportunities for exercise.

In a commitment to sustainability, the city invested in green infrastructure by installing four new electric vehicle chargers along N. Peachtree Road at the Chamblee MARTA Station. 

Exemplified by the roundabout installation at the intersection of N. Shallowford and N. Peachtree, the future holds the promise of a well-connected city with safe streets.

Chamblee's new City Hall won the American Institute of Architects' 'People's Choice' award and the Construction Management Association's 'Project Achievement' award in 2023. 

Four new electric vehicle charging stations were installed along Peachtree Road at the Chamblee MARTA stop.

Three new segments of the city's multi-modal Rail Trail opened.

City of Doraville Highlights 

Doraville experienced remarkable economic success in 2023, driven by key developments like the Assembly film studio, which will bring jobs, a 5-acre public park, and a sprawling 135-acre mixed-use complex upon completion. 

The city's housing supply is flourishing, with over 1,200 units currently under construction and nearly 900 more planned. 

The city's vibrant restaurant sector was also a source of pride in 2023, with no less than four restaurants receiving accolades in the Atlanta Michelin Awards' inaugural guide. 

The future is bright for the city as efforts to develop the city center come to fruition with the release of conceptual designs and construction anticipated in the summer of 2024.

Conceptual design for Doraville's downtown city center which includes outdoor, retail, and civic space.

The RangeWater development, at Buford Highway and Jess Norman Way, will include nearly 300 multi-family units, seven townhomes, and outdoor amenities for residents and community members.

A mural at Doraville's Bernard Halpern Park was completed by students and staff of St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church. 

The CID Fosters Public-Private Partnerships with Government Agencies 

CID Professional Support Team

Malaika Rivers
CID Executive Director
Pontem Resources

Kerstin Thulé
CID Program Coordinator
Pontem Resources

5170 Peachtree Road
Building 100, Suite 400
Atlanta, Georgia, 30341

For more information on the CID or to join our efforts, contact

Lynn Rainey 

CID Legal Counsel
Rainey & Phillips

John Vaughn

CID Legal Counsel
Rainey & Phillips

Anshul Hans Wesley

CID Accountant

Dot Management Consultants

More About CIDs

CIDs are voluntarily formed by neighboring property owners in various commercial areas, from dense office parks to mixed-use retail and industrial areas.

CIDs are legislatively-enabled mechanisms in Georgia that allow commercial property owners to advocate, design, fund, and maintain public infrastructure and community improvements within defined districts. They allow commercial property owners to raise funds by placing an additional assessment on their properties. 

A CID's governing board, consisting of local property owners, determines the level of assessment. Assessments are a fraction of property values. Funds are used for projects and services that protect and enhance commercial real estate investments.

By pooling funds through CIDs, commercial property owners attract larger amounts of government funds which pay for projects. Governments see the "skin-in-the-game" brought by these commercial property owners through CIDs.

CIDs are extremely effective public-private partnerships. For every $1 contributed by CIDs, they receive an average of $5 from government sources. 

Correction: Information on the "ROI for a CID Member Company" graphic was corrected after the initial publication of this annual report. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Created by Pontem Resources.