
Yana Sperry “Define Beauty”

9x12, Pencil, Color Pencil, Graphite, 2019

I chose realism to draw. I just started sketching a person from someone else’s sketch and then I turned it into my own. I eventually changed it so then it barley looks like the other persons work. If I were to change it, I would try and fix the way that the lips look and not make them as dark as I did. I really love the way that the hair looks. I think it’s really cool has it has highlights, lowlights, and texture.

Yana Sperry “Llama in the spotlight”

11x14, Pencil, Graphite, Oil Pastels, Watercolor , 2019

I chose to draw realism with a little bit of surrealism. I really like llamas and so I chose to draw one, but add a little bit of a cartoon look to it, and flowers to add some color and just something to catch the eye. I would probably add more flowers to make them seem more connected. I really love how the overall shape of the lama looks and how the watercolor background makes it stand out.

Yana Sperry “Forest in Shadow”

9x12, Pencil, Graphite, 2019

I chose to draw realism. I really love nature and I find shading really fun to do. I also love how there’s detail in the trees. I would probably add more trees in the background if I were to change anything. I love how it looks like there are shadows and how you can see the moon, but as if it were covered in fog.

Yana Sperry “Handy Dandy Pumpkin”

12x18, Pencil, Graphite, Colored Pencils, Watercolor, 2019

I chose to draw realism. I took this picture myself, and really liked it so I turned it into a drawing. I love how I shaded the hand and made it look like an actual hand, and shading the pumpkin as well. If I were to change anything, I’d do something different for the background, maybe a sunset. I especially love the hand and how the detail turned out.

Yana Sperry “Fading”

9x12, Pencil, Graphite, 2019

I chose to draw realism. I really found my inspiration through music that I was listening to, which was Billie Eilish, and I kind of wanted to go off the vibe that I got from it. I really like how the shading looks, and how the dark side turned out. You can see the defined lines on that side. If I were to change anything I’d add color to the background. I love how the face turned out and the details look.

Yana Sperry “Mountain View”

9x12, Pen, Printmaking, 2019

I chose to draw surrealism. I saw an image online, and I thought it would be a cool t-shirt design if I had the mountains, but adding a triangle for a center focus. I like how I added the stars and moon for a better effect. If I were to change anything, I'd probably completely take out the words because it didn't turn out well with them there. I personally love how the lines look like shading and the print of the picture turned out well.