Painting #2
Isaac J. Dehaven, "2020 disasters"
acrylic on 16 x 20
For my second semester painting , I did events from 2020. I had a mask to represent the covid-19 pandemic, a wasp to represent the murder hornets, Australia to represent the bushfires, and the lock to represent lockdown. Around the symbols is a white glow to represent the year. the stars behind it in the void behind it are other years.
The year of 2020 was filled with disasters, and there are many more that are not here. So as I was painting the glow around it I made the highlight go off the canvas to give the idea that there is more I either didn't know how to add or couldn't fit. I wanted to add something for political arguments, because that was a big problem but I didn't know how to depict it.
I also wasn't used to the bigger canvas. I was so used to a small confined space, but for this I had to practically lean over the canvas to paint accurately. I also like to paint slowly so time management was a problem. i regret not doing the background first, if I did, the things would be better centered.