Painting 2

Nick Arnold “Nothing in Life.”

8x12, Acrylic, 2019

I went with the Vanitas theme because I felt that it has a certain place or relevance in all of our lives.

I’ve purposely put in the skull to represent death, the rose to represent life and the candle to show that time is slowly burning away.

Other than adding more than just a gray background with some shadowing, I wouldn’t change a thing.

I’m happy that I managed to make all of my themes connect with one another and I certainly hope that viewers will be able to see the apparent themes, given with some context.

Nick Arnold “Undefined”

8x12, Water Marbling, 2019

I initially didn’t know how this painting would turn out. I saw this on a google search and it inspired me to try and do something I’ve never done before. It turned out decent-ish and on further inspection, there was a vague outline of a snail so I decided to make it more apparent.

Considering that I had no intention on making a snail, I would say the snail itself is the symbolism.

Maybe the color combination..? I was originally going to go with some leaves, hence the fall colors, but if I would’ve known the snail was to come from this, I would have made the colors more resembling to the snails’ habitat.

I like the yellow and orange. I made the orange myself and I think it looks perfect on the paper and I would’ve tried to incorporate the orange and yellow into the changes if I could.