Painting I

All I really did was paint on different layers of junk and touch it up with paint pens. I only used the pens and some brushes, whatever brand paints the school provides. I made a black outline with paint pen too.

I didn’t really use any symbolism, really. Just the character representing my ideal me and my feelings. It makes everything feel a little better, just a little easier to cope with stuff I guess. The lack of acceptance I would feel from my family is replaced with the sort of like warmth i get from drawing myself as her.

The most difficult part for me was, really, the whole thing when i wasnt using paint pens. I don’t paint much, at least much that’s flat or on a canvas, usually i paint miniatures or my little Sculpey Clay dudes. So it was hard to get used to practically a completely new medium for me.

I think it’s surreal? I really don’t know. I’ll ask my friends or you sometime. I dunno, its just a thing I made. Sorry.

Jack Brassard “Soap In Space”

16 x 20, 10/8

My idea started as my persona, a girl who represents me. Just like my feelings, identity and stuff, how I’d rather look than the me now. I doodle her a lot, if you look at my notebooks shes usually on every other page. I drew her all battered and bloody and was going to make it seem like a murder/attempted suicide sort of thing, but that wasn’t allowed. So I decided to instead do basically the same thing but just like use green instead of red, and an offbrand Scrub Daddy instead of a knife. It kinda just represented my feelings at the time, i guess. And to a degree my feelings now. Drawing my character in pain or crazed helps with my own similar feelings, not ones to murder people don’t like mis-understand me here dude. I mean just like how i feel about people and stuff i guess. How i feel about me. At first that was all that inspired me but the idea to make the blood a Dawn Dish Soap green comes from the unspoken rule in cartoons, mainly coming from Disney but many others, that if blood isn’t red it’s okay to show.

Jack Brassard "Old Road"

16x20 11/22

The idea was gonna be a dense, thick forest with a deer peering out into the road. All at night, then as I went on it was worse and worse and worse until I just gave up on that idea. I went back and painted it all over, and decided to simply start with the dark road. Then the grass and hill, the bricks making it up. And finally when I got to the original idea, the trees and the deer, I just threw the deer out completely and made the trees dead. Turns out, trees and deer are harder to paint than they are to sketch and draw. Also, just to add on, I was going to give the deer more human features to make it just a little off, or unsettling. The inspiration was from an artist I follow online who goes by Trevor Henderson.

Trevor Henderson takes photos in dark, hard to see places. Then takes them home, printing them out and painting in a horrific monster to fit the lighting in the photo. Most of his work is weirdly realistic. He boomed last year when someone made a game about one of his creatures, which ended up becoming another thing for childrens Youtubers to exploit their young audience with. But that wasn't his fault and this isn't the best place to get into it. Moving on, I'd like to think my drawing makes people unsettled but that will never and has never happened. So the most I can wish for is that it makes my friend Jayden nauseous. I think the trees were the most difficult, but I overcame that by just making them dead trees. It would've been better if I had planned for that and done over the tree on the left in oranges and yellows but I didn't and I'll learn. I tried to make this realistic but I don't know if thats totally true. My style with painting is just doing something and hopefully not making it good, just good enough. To where I can live with it and not beat myself for making something absolutely horrid.

Jack Brassard "Today I Will Eat More Corn Dogs"

9x12 12/2

I got the idea for my drawing on the internet, when i saw a bunch of images of this Grim Reaper-sort-of-guy, holding a bunch of corn dogs. It was more than one image and all of them had different amounts of corn dogs and I thought "i wanna do that." So here we are. Really I only used like a printed image of a skull and paints. That and the artwork doesn't really mean anything, it's just funny. The first painting I decided not to do something with the color green if that makes anything. The most difficult thing was the shading and the skeleton, cause I'm not terribly great with anatomy and the shading on a painting was harder than it was on paper. This art is surreal, at least I think.
