
Kay Tracy "Can't Sleep"

10 x 13in, Alcohol Markers, 9/8/23 


 (IDEA) My idea was to make this drawing as chaotic as possible but I knew I wanted a lot of eyes. I got the idea from the thought of eye contact and feeling like you are being stared at and looked up what athletic involves a lot of eyes, dreamcore was the one that stood out to me the most. At first, It started as just a house with hills but then it just kept growing from there with the eyeballs.  I had a dream, I was sitting at a mushroom table having a tea party but the other people at the table were just fantoms or salutes 

(PROCESS) I started with a yellow house on hills then I felt it needed a chaotic spin to it as it went on it got more chaotic until it was chaotic to my liking. I used marker paper and alcohol markers and highlighted with a paint pen. 

(SYMBOLISM & ICONOGRAPHY) This piece of art isn't supposed to particularly mean anything it has meaning but the meaning can be anything and nothing or everything. This piece is supposed to let the viewer decide what they feel or if they feel anything I won't be offended any way they interpret this piece.  

(ARTISTIC GROWTH) the feeling it wasn't chaotic enough and still feel that when I look at it. I decided to walk away and say it's done when you need to. everything the sloppy line work defining details and shadows more.

(VISUAL VOICE) its supposed  to be all of them (Realistic, Abstract, Surreal, Non-Objective?). The eyes. The eyes.