Art 9

Kaden Mahler "Neon Sun with the Blinking Tree"

Permanent Markers, colored pencil, graphite on paper. Colored Drawing

My idea was to create something both confusing and cool to look at. I got this idea while looking at an album cover of a band that I listened to, it pretty much changed when I added the tree. The tree made it so I snowballed into making the picture darker, along with covering the colored pencil with marker. I started with making the beach and water, which made me want to make it into a sunset-type of drawing. I then proceeded to add the tree. But then I remembered that I had technology as my drawing basis so I changed the colors of pretty much everything I was thinking about. I originally used colored pencil but I decided that it wasn't a bright enough color for a neon-based drawing. (That didn't work out in both cases I guess) Thing artwork was basically just me trying to create something using what I think looks pleasing to look at, which is something confusing and weird but entirely recognizable. The most difficult part was trying to fill in all the little spots of missed colored pencil, which stopped mattering when I switched to markers. The sun was a pain, I didn't know what colors to give it so it ended up as red, yellow, and orange.What makes it unique to your own personal style?  What do you love about it? I would say that this drawing is surreal. I love the parts where I messed up, and then just made it looks like it was supposed to be there (sun, blue parts on the tree, grew parts in the sand, blue and green mixing in the water, purple messing up parts of the water.)

This is a pain to read

Kaden Mahler "The baseline I made with a pen and a marker"

Made a snowman because my brother likes them

Kaden Mahler "Soon-to-fall Branches"

Graphite on greenish construction paper

Soon-to-fall Branches look like a willow tree that is lacking in leaves, branches extending toward the viewer can be seen clumped at the top middle. The top-most part of the tree has branches that extend into leaves that go off to the right and left. The trunk of the tree has many branches that extend to either side of the paper and hold long leaves that curve downward. The bottom of the trunk has a texture that can only be explained as that of a tree.  I created this by sketching down the trunk until I thought it looked right (which took a while) Branches were added to the bottom-most part of the tree, and the top part of the tree had leaves that pointed towards the viewer instead of texture, which was way harder to do than I thought. The texture was hard to get down, so I got help for it. The lower part of the tree has texture, while the top parts of the tree have leaves instead. My idea, as always, was just to create a tree again. This specific one didn't have anything to do with my theme of technology, which is why I debated on turning it in for so long. I learned how to texture a tree, I also learned what I would have to do in order to create a realistic tree. If I could change anything, I would overhaul all of the leaves, they just seem so out of place. I would also have not tried to have them point to the viewer, and if I did, I would make the branch visible and make longer leaves.

Kaden Mahler "Baseline I made with clay and glaze"

Kaden Mahler "This is just a Pitcher so why would I name it"

Wheel project - blew up. First Choice - Not Glazed