Jaedyn W's Art Portfolio

Drawing 1

The Corner Store

Jaedyn Wirth “The Corner Store” 14”x9.5”, Graphite, 2021

My thought process for this work was I really wanted to attempt a two point perspective drawing. I looked on Pinterest for an idea of how to do two pt. perspective and it was all like skyscrapers so I got a basic understanding of what to do. I used a 3H pencil to sketch everything out and then based on how dark or light I wanted the sections to be I used other types of pencils. I used blending sticks to shade and blend everything together. The inspiration for this work was driving around with people through Davenport and going by all these little corner stores. The hardest part of this piece was trying to shade the glass to look right and not like the other walls. I made this piece look as realistic as possible by adding shadows and highlights in certain places. When people look at this work I hope they can visualize themselves walking down the sidewalk to shop.

"Hot Cocoa Bar"

Jaedyn Wirth "Hot Cocoa Bar" 8"x5.5", Blick Studio Markers, Black Pen, White Colored Pencil, 2021

The inspiration for this artwork comes from the weather dropping colder and most people like to have hot cocoa when it gets colder out. I wanted the piece to be mostly monochromatic so I chose pink to be the main color. Pink and brown blend and go together very well so I figured that would look perfect. I drew everything out with a 3H pencil then outlined all in black pen. After I outlined I colored everything in. The most tedious part of the work was drawing all the marshmallows to look like them. One thing I would change about this piece I would not include the nutrition facts on the side of the box. I wanted this piece to look semi-realistic and I feel I accomplished that.

"Florals Of Beauty"

Jaedyn Wirth "Florals of Beauty" 12"x9" Magazines, Paint Markers, Modge Podge, Paper, 2021

This work was inspired by seeing a lot of floral magazines in the classroom. I wanted to make something with flowers on a person. At first, I wanted to make a woman's clothes flowers but then I got the idea to make her hair the flowers. I searched on google for a model that had hair with a lot of volume. After the main woman was finished I wanted to add even more so I pushed ink out of paint pens then blew them around the paper with a straw.

Painting 1

"Frosted Berries"

Jaedyn Wirth "Frosted Berries" 7"x5" Canvas, Acrylic Paint, 2022

This work was inspired by a student teacher who showed us 3 painting techniques and one really stuck with me. She explained extreme perspective and it clicked in my mind as basically macro photography painting. I searched just that on Google when I saw these frosted berried. I had to have a lot of patience while painting this because I had to draw every single berry cell. My personal style I would have to say would be realism. Most of my pieces are based off of a photograph I found off the internet or many put together.