Ceramics 2

Jacob Vosler                                                   Artist Statements

Tree Frog

Jacob Vosler, 2023

This is a mold of a black and blue tree frog. The hardest part of this project was glazing. I wanted the frog to have a dark green body with a black stomach and blue eyes/feet. I created this mold by pouring slip into a frog mold, and letting it sit for 40 minutes after that time I dumped the excess slip and carefully took the frog out of the mold. 

This was made with coils that I wrapped around cans and news paper it give it the shape of a bust. The design is supposed to depict a snowboarder/Skier this is shown with the goggles that he's wearing. The glaze I gave him a peach skin color with a black turtle neck and red hat. His goggles are supposed to be a blender light and dark blue but it didn't mix the way I was hoping. 

Small Bowl 3x5

Jacob Vosler, 2023

I threw this bowl on the wheel. I went into the throw imagining that I was going to make a vase but as I started to pull the shape I realized that a vase was going to be too challenging for my skill level. I eventually found this small bowl shape that I was happy with. For The glaze, I wanted to do light colors to make the small shape look a little bigger. 

Knuckle Cup 4x3

Jacob Vosler, 2023

This cup was thrown on the wheel. I wanted to make the cup bigger but I didn't give myself enough clay to work with. The glaze is grey with black spots to give the shape some personality. the handle is supposed to resemble brass knuckles and that was another way I decided to try and make my cup unique.

Plant Cup 12x18

Jacob Vosler

This large vessel was made with coils. I originally wanted to make something with a small base wide body and narrow top but as I added the coils the small bottom gave out so I had to change my design. I instead started to make a wide plant vase that I though resembled a teat cup so I put a handle on the vase. 

Pet Bowl 1x7

Jacob Vosler, 2023

This bowl was thrown on the wheel. I wanted it to have higher walls but as I pulled the shape out it became unstable making it impossible for me to attempt to make the walls higher. The glaze is black on the inside and blue on the outside I chose darker colors to hide any dirt that might get on or in the bowl.

Fox 2x3

Jacob Vosler, 2023

For my alternative project I chose to make an origami sculpture. I chose to watch a video on how to make a origami fox. The hardest part was making the head and the tail. for the head you had to make dificult folds inorder to get the paper to turn it's self outwards. The tail was the same you had to turn the paper in on an existing fold to make the paper turn upwards.