
Hannah Sunday "Sliced"

Acrylic paints, 2020

(IDEA) I decided to paint half of an avocado because I think avocados are delicious and I saw the color opportunity. I wanted something that had a dark background and a bright focal point.

(PROCESS) I started with a light sketch on the canvas in pencil, and then I started with the core of the avocado. I layered many colors to get the final result. I painted the black background last.

(SYMBOLISM & ICONOGRAPHY) There isn’t much meaning to this painting, it’s just a simple avocado half so take it as you will.

(ARTISTIC GROWTH) The most difficult part of this painting was getting the core to look just how I wanted it. I had to mix, blend, and layer many different colors many different times just to get it how it looks now.

(VISUAL VOICE) This is a realistic painting and I think that anyone would be able to identify it. I love how it turned out.

Hannah Sunday “Matriarch”

Multi Media/collage, 2020

(IDEA) As I was looking through old history books and old art books, I kept finding old paintings of women and I decided I would make a college with them. I wanted something that would make a statement and something that would give off an angelic vibe.

(PROCESS) For the background I used a blended watercolor technique. I planned out where I wanted the cut out pieces to go on the paper and then I glued them. After I finished that I put a water/glue mixture on top of it.

(SYMBOLISM & ICONOGRAPHY) I want this collage to represent women power and feminism. It just symbolizes women and sisterhood.

(ARTISTIC GROWTH) The background was my hardest challenge with this artwork. I would change that if I could to a sky with clouds. I think it makes the collage look odd. I would also change the biggest figure in the college and just remove her so the black and white lady is more of the focus.

(VISUAL VOICE) This is multi media/collage. I enjoy making this type of work because I can use other’s talents and put them together.

Hannah Sunday “Hike”

Landscape Painting with Acrylics, 2020

(IDEA) My mother and I love to go hiking a lot and as I was browsing the internet looking for inspiration, I saw many beautiful fall landscapes and I decided that I wanted to paint one. When I look at my painting, I think of hiking on an autumn day with my mom.

(PROCESS) I looked at a couple different pictures of fall landscapes for inspiration and to get an idea of what I would be painting. I did a lot of blending and mixing colors, to make it look as realistic as I could make it. The birch trees were easy to make as all I had to do was paint the base and then flip a paint brush on its side and touch.

(SYMBOLISM & ICONOGRAPHY) What this painting means and symbols to me is a simple hike with mom.

(ARTISTIC GROWTH) This was the hardest thing I’ve painted in my life. I started off doing things blindly with zero experience. I wouldn’t have been able to create the same painting if I hadn’t had mixed and layered colors.

(VISUAL VOICE) This is a landscape painting. I think that it looks like a fall scene and I don’t think it turned out bad.