Lawrence Flynn's Art portfolio

Lawrence Flynn Summer night

12”12”,Acrylic on canvas, 2021

I have seen artwork with the same color scheme that has the sunset in the back and water in the foreground and something in the front and I always thought it was cool and wanted to make something like it. I made the painting of a deer because it is starting to become fall and deer season is coming up so I thought it would fit the time of year.First I made the background. I first did the bottom black and then a gray color for the water and orange for the sunset I just started painting. I free handed everything and didn't sketch out the painting.The artwork doesn't have a hidden meaning. I just wanted to try something that I've seen before. I want the audience to think about being outside with nature. The most difficult part was painting the deer and if I could go back I would sketch it and I would also make the grass a different shape. I would make it thinner. I think I would make the water look a little bit different. I think I tried to change it so much that it doesn't look as good as it could.I don't think that it really fits into one certain thing. I think that it is unique because there is not much detail, it is just the outline of the animal.