
Emma Pena "Turtle"

9x12,  painting,  2023 


 First I began to trace the turtle with pencil to get the shape I liked and to figure out what size I wanted the turtle. Then once I had the base of it I drew the leafs in pencil and the pedals and little flowers. After I was done tracing it I started painting the outlines of the turtle like a aqua green color, once I was done with painting the lines of the turtle I started to paint my leafs. I painted them green, with little swirls on the inside of the leaf. Then after I painted the four leafs I started painting the four pedals yellow, with just tracing the outside of them. Once I was done with that I started painting the little flowers that were scattered on the turtles shell red. And then for the middle of the flower I painted it yellow. Once I was done with the seven little flowers I went over everything again adding another layer and then that completed my painting. Something I liked about this painting is the colors and how it is more traced than filed in all the way with color. Something I struggled with this painting is painting clean lines and not making it look messy. Some things I disliked about this painting is that the flowers were more smudged and you cant really tell what they are. And then I also don't like how thick the leaves are. 

Emma Pena "Apple"

10x8, painting, 2023

First I painted the background of the painting like a mustard yellow color. I painted that about two layers and then let that sit to dry. The next class I began to trace my apple with pencil, I made it the size I wanted and then I added a stem with a leaf on the apple. After I was done tracing my apple I started painting it red and mixing different colors together to get different shades of red. I started with the lightest color on the left ish middle of the apple and worked my way to the right to make it darker by fading colors together. Once I was done painting my apple I then painted my stem brown and my leaf green. I then cleaned up the outside of the apple and I also painted spots on the apple that I thought were not mixed enough. After I was done painting the apple i then tried making a shadow by it but the apple was just floating without a base to sit on so I messed up and had to paint over the shadow because it didn't look right. So then I painted a brown table kind of half way through the apple, so then it had a base to sit on. After that I completed my painting. Something I liked about this painting is the colors of red on the apple and how I made the colors blend together nicely.  Something I struggled with this painting is trying to figure out how to make a shadow but then messing up and having to then paint around my apple. Some things I disliked about this painting is how i had to paint around my apple and the color of the leaf and how I designed to make it look. 

Emma Pena "Flower Cross"

7x10, drawing, 2023

I started drawing my base which was the cross. Without using a ruler I drew two straight lines one going vertically and one going horizontally. Once I made the size and shape of the cross how I liked I started to clean up the outsides of it and I made it a darker shade of pencil. Once I was done sketching out my cross I started adding leaves and different kinds of flowers attached to the cross and making it look like the stuff growing on it was sprouting out from the cross. Once I added a few things to it I just kept adding more flowers and different kinds of leaves till I thought there was enough. Once I was done sketching everything out I then went back through everything to clean up the lines and to make them darker shades. Once I was done with that I completed my sketch. Something I liked about this drawing is the power of the cross and life of nature it makes me feel and the way the leaves look. Something that I struggled with during this drawing is trying to make my lines for the cross as straight as I could. Some things I disliked about this drawing is the way some of the flowers look because I didn't think I needed to go back and fix them so I just left them. 

Emma Pena "Sunflower" 

7x10, drawing, 2023

I first started sketching out the line that separates the half sunflower and the leaf. At the end of the line there are two leaves growing out from each side. After I sketched that I started drawing my sunflower and adding smaller pedals behind the big ones. Once I was done sketching my half sunflower I then went over the lines and made them darker shades with my pencil and I blended the pedals with my fingers. After I drew my half sunflower I then sketched out some leaves on the half sunflower with two on one side and two on the other. I then put some little weeds on the outside of the flower in the middle section. and on the bottom by the leaves. Once I was done with that I started sketching out the leaf that is on the other side of the line. I then added dotted lines coming from it from the bottom of the leaf. With the leaf facing up right. Then I went over everything again adding darker shades of pencil and cleaning up the edges. After I was done with that I completed my sketch. Something I liked about this drawing is the way I blended the flower to make it look faded, and the way I put it half instead of full flower. Something I struggled with is the pedals of the sunflower. Some things I disliked about this drawing is the way my leaves don't sit right on the sunflower. 

Emma Pena "Tulips" 

12x9, painting, 2023

I first started with my base color which was like a dark pink. Once I was done layering that for my background I then started trying to do lighter shades of pink at the top of my painting but it didn't come together very well. So then I went over top of it with white paint but did swirls of it all over on the top half of my painting. Once I was done with that and liked the way it looked I started sketching out my three big flowers I wanted to paint onto the canvas, and I chose tulips for my flowers. Once  I was done sketching out my flowers I then started painting the stems with medium dark green and outlining the leaves as well. I tried to have an even amount of leaves on each stem and making them different sizes. Then once I was done going over those things a couple of times I decided to paint my leaves light green and with a strip of medium green going down the middle of them. Once I completed my leaves and stems I started on the pedals of the flowers and the outline of them. For the outline I did a dark red so it made them pop on the pink background. I then completed the outline of the tulips and then painted the tulips a thin white layer of white so you could kind of see through them onto the background of the painting. Once I went over my flowers a couple of times I then completed my painting. Something I liked about the painting was how much color it has and how big I made my flowers. Something I struggled with during this painting was staying inside the lines while painting the leaves. Somethings I disliked about this painting is how much is going on in the background and how the stems are not quite all even. 

Emma Pena "Ocean View Sunset" 

12x9, painting, 2023

I began with painting the canvas white and making sure that was layered enough so you couldn't see through the paint. after I did two or three layers of white I then started with blue, pink, and yellow at the top half of the canvas and then blended those colors together to make them look faded like a sunset. After I blended those colors together to how I liked it I then started making an ocean at the bottom half of the canvas and make the water color darker and then lighter the farther down it went. Once I was done painting the blue, I then put a light tan color of paint at the bottom of the water and that light tan color represents the sand on the beach. after I was done layering that I added white onto the water to make ripples and then where the sand and water meet I put white bubbles from the water washing up on the shore. Once I completed that I splatted white onto the sky to make stars and I drew a waxing crescent at the top right of my painting.  After I did that I finished my painting. Something I liked about this painting is the ocean and how I did the colors. Something I struggled with this painting is the blending of the sky. Something I disliked about this painting is is the way the sunset colors aren't light enough. 

Emma Pena "Flower vine"

12x9, drawing, 2023

I first started with drawing a big line down the middle of the paper and made it swirl at both ends of the vine. I then drew two big flowers towards the top of the paper in the middle, they each have 7 pedals. After I drew those flowers I started drawing more vines attaching from the flower on the left and coming out of it, making them swirl at the end of each vine. And then I would also add leaves to most of the vines. The flower on the right was only floating it wasn't attatched to the other flower. It has one vie coming out of one of the pedals and one leaf on it. After I did that I drew tiny pedaled flowers all around the main drawing. there is twelve of them.  Once I was done with that I then filled in my lines more and then I was done with my drawing. Something I liked about this drawing is the flowers and design of it. Something I struggled with is making the pedals even. Something I disliked about this drawing is how I could have added more large flowers onto it. 

Emma Pena "flower Landscape" 

12x9, drawing, 2023

I first started by drawing a circle that I traced around my paint pallet. I then drew the lines of my hills and made three of them. After I did that I lightly shaded in my hills with pencil. And then I started drawing flowers in different areas on the hills, some next to eachother and some not. I drew different kinds of pedals on the stems instead of having all of the same flowers. I then drew a sun and some birds flying in the distance. I drew grass on the hills all the way up and down. I had 14 flowers total and 4 birds. After I was done with my main big flowers I started drawing the lines darker and filling in places that needed it. After I was done fixing up my flowers and adding little ones as well I completed my drawing. Something I liked about this drawing is how the landscape looks and is laid out. Something I struggled with is drawing the birds and making the lines look smooth. Something I disliked about this drawing is the way the flowers look to big for the area.