Ceramics 1

Eli Dimmick "Miniature-Esque"

3.75 in tall - 2.4 in wide, Ceramic Clay, Glaze, 2023

This small pot was simply made for a singular flower. I didn’t want it to be anymore or any less. It was inspired by some tiktok i saw. This guy folded two different types of clay and made a small pot for some paintbrush and i was like “thats super cute and i want to make that."

Since I knew I was going to make something small, I only wedged a small amount of clay. Getting on the wheel and shaving down parts had me using even less of the clay. It was easy and simple to make since it was tiny. I opened it up like I would for a normal vase but I pinched the top to create the reverse funnel look. For the glaze I used two different shades of blue. I did two layers of each glaze. 

It’s honestly just a miniature vase.

I think the most difficult part was the actual throwing of the clay. Getting to center and smoothly warp with my hands was a struggle since the piece was small. 

This artwork is non-objective. It’s really just conveying a sense of simplicity.

Eli Dimmick "'what in the Lorax' "

8.24 in tall, Ceramic Clay, Glaze, 2023

So I wanted a weirdly shaped, sorta tall, odd-looking holder. And as we were all talking and throwing on the wheel together, the Lorax movie was brought up. I asked how I would incorporate that into a piece, and I think it was Jaida that gave me some ideas.

So this artwork is made on the wheel. I had no clue what I was doing, so I just wedged a normal amount of clay. During the process of centering, I wanted to make something sorta taller than usual. And then Jaida said stuff and the idea just popped into my head. When it was off the wheel, I adjusted the top to tilt to the side a little. 

I want people to look at it and think it's ugly, that it doesn't make sense. I want them to try to figure out for what reason did I make this ugly vase-looking thing, and what im going to do with it. 

It was difficult trying to figure out what I was going to make, so I spent a lot of time just making random things and then re-centering it till something came out that I liked. 

I think this artwork is more of a non-objective piece. As I was working I had no clue what I wanted to do, I had no end goal.