Ceramic's 2

Chris McDonnell "SY-FI vs Slasher"

My sculpture is on the realism side. It is my design of my favorite Slasher and favorite SY-FI characters. I would add more detail to the SY-FI side and I was going to add a bandana or something to cover the mouth but I didn't have enough time. I like both sides but I like the Slasher side more because I got more time to work with that side and I added more detail.


Chris McDonnell, Victor Reyes, and Nathaniel Arnold "West"

It is on the realism side. It is a guy going to the saloon and finding a journey, he then goes on the journey and finds a moldy cheese burger. I would add more of a journey rather just him walking. I like how it's choppy but it still looks smooth and him eating the burger at the end.