Chloe Neblung's Art Portfolio

Artist Statment

Chloe Neblung "Iowa"

10 x 9, Magazines, scissors, glue, 2021

My idea was to make a collage based on Iowa I was just looking through magazines seeing what ideas I would have then I found an Iowa magazine. I was born in Iowa and so I thought it would be a cool idea to do it about that. First I had to figure out my idea and what I wanted to do. Then I just started cutting out pictures that go with them and made sure they weren't too big but also not too small. Then I made the shape of Iowa and glued them on. Finally, I used scissors to cut some excess paper off the end of it. I think it means that Iowa can be a cool state and there are some cool things you can learn about and do. I want them to think about country and Iowa and farm and things like that. I want them to feel the heat of the sun and the smell of the barn. The most difficult part for me was making the pictures fit and look good together. Basically making sure some pictures weren't hidden by other ones and cutting them so they can make the Iowa shape. I just tried my best to make it work and went with the flow. If I had to change anything if I started over I would maybe use more pictures from different magazines. This collage is surreal. I think what makes it unique is that not everyone does it about Iowa and Iowa is very uncommon. The thing I love most about it is the shape of it and that I was able to make the shape at least somewhat decent.