
Carlee Garrity - 9x12 Base Line Painting

This is my first baseline painting. Its used for to improve off of at the end of the semester. I freehand sketched the flowers, mixed the colors, and painted. i like the way this turned out and hopefully I will improve by the end of the year. If I were to change anything, i would make the highlights less light and cover ALL the pencil lines. I really didnt have much of an inspiration since it was started as just a sketch, i am happy with how most of the flowers turned out, but hopefully by the end of the semester i will have it improved.

Carlee Garrity - 9x12 "House on the Horizon"

This is a collage of sunset pictures and a little house and 3 trees silhouetted on the horizon line. I got this idea when i was looking through my pictures on what to do, I wanted to do something original, but i added the house to the sky that I created.  First, I used a ruler to draw the horizon line, then I mixed the colors to match the pictures, and painted the sky. Something I found hard with this project is making the colors blend like a sky would, the colors just overlapped and didn't look smooth like a sky would. the way I solved this is  adding more water to my brush than I had paint. This way the brush would glide smoother and the colors mixed easier. Next, I painted the ground, house and trees. I also added a very small change in color in the house and trees because solid black didn't look very professional. Not that its a big change, but I think it looks better with it. If I were to start over i think i would try and make the sky have more defined colors or clouds, I think I could of done better. I dont have a theme or symbolic painting, but I'd rather have whoever is looking at the painting make a connection to their life instead of me doing it for them - for example. maybe the house represents something in their mind.

Carlee Garrity - 9x12 "Three Flowers in a Vase"

This painting is a vase of 3 colored flowers sitting on a table in a dim lighted room. I got this idea from my baseline painting, but I wanted to try I different style. My baseline painting was much more florescent and random while this paintings more calming with a pop of color. I thought adding the shadowing on the walls made it fit. First, I sketched out the face, table, and flowers. then I started to paint the vase but I came across the problem that im going to have to show the stems, so I painted the stems and finished the glass vase. then I painted the flowers (which I wanted to make very colorful compared to the rest of the painting). Next I corrected highlights on my vase and finally I touched up the flowers and table. Something I found difficult was trying to blend the table. I originally was going to make slabs of wood on the table to make it look more put together, but I added too much water on my brush trying to blend, causing it to just be overall really messy.  I think the flowers have some symbolism because without that sudden pop of color, this painting would be pretty boring to look at. This is symbolizing the ups and downs in life that make it so interesting to live.

Carlee Garrity - 9x12 "Neon Dark Lake"

This painting shows a neon pink bass swimming in the deep and dark part of the sea, with small bubbles floating upwards. I got this idea from one of the art show opportunities being offered for students. Your were required to paint a fish or animal. I thought it might be more attention-grabbing to make a bright pink bass than a regular one. I know that usually the habitat that a bass lives in might be a little brighter and greener than a dark black lake but I also thought this contrasted well to the bright colors, making it pop much more.  First, I sketched out the fish and decided where I wanted the bubbles to be. Next, I painted the base pinks I wanted the fish to be. Then, I added more details like the gills and around the mouth area. I found it really difficult to use the right kind of highlight on the head of the fish, it was either too dull or too outstanding. I ended up making it okay but I still could of improved on that.  The symbolism I was trying to connect was to "fish" for your dreams, since this painting is so dream-like i think it fits well.