AP studio 1

Bella Burken "me"

My idea for this project was to make an abstract piece that represented who I was as a person and the colors and vibes that I go for. I got the idea when I was sitting in class stumped on what to do next, and I was looking on my phone and got the idea to make a collage. The idea evolved from me looking on google for cute things to put in my room and from there it just took off. My process started by me finding my theme or what I thought my vibe was as a person and I went with a pink and white theme because I felt like those simple colors described my personality. I then went and found a ton of pictures that I liked and started adding them to a collage to make it look good. This artwork describes me in the colors and pictures that I added really show the things I liked to do and pictures I felt described my personality. I want the people who look at this to see me and see who I am as a person. The hardest part was getting all the pictures to align and look good together. I had to move them around a lot and try my best to make them look good.

Bella Burken "Mini Bowl"

For this project, I wanted to make something that I could use to hold random things in my room. It started as wanted to make a tall vase and then changed my idea to more of a bowl shape to hold bracelets and other small things. I used a bright pink yarn, string, and a needle to sew the yarn around the string. The hardest part of this project for me was making sure that the string was tight and went the right way. Another hard part was creating the shape I wanted in the end. This is another abstract art piece. This was a unique piece for me because I have not done anything like it before and it was totally something new. If I were to start this over I would start building the walls sooner because the base is very large.

Bella Burken "love for shoes"


For this project I wanted to create something that showed my love for shoes. I got the idea when I was going back and looking at my sketchbook and saw a drawing of an AF1 that i created a while back and wanted to add something to the background. I have been working on redoing my room and making it more my personality and by adding these two pictures I really think that it will bring it all together. The second one is more dull colors to add the aspect of abstract to my room. I am proud of both the pieces that I made but one thing I would change about the second one is take the colors all the way behind the shoes like I do in the first drawing. Something I would redo in the first one is the spacing of the lines and make them more even. The hardest part about this project was making the laces because I have always struggled with that, but I think they turned out pretty good.