Ben Melvin's Artwork


"Mustard Infested Dish"

Ben Melvin,"Mustard Infested Cup", 2022, ?x?x?, Clay, Glaze

My idea was to create a wide yellow dish. I named it Mustard Infested dish as I thought it was a unique name to give it that name.

I first got some clay and rolled it flat. I got out some more clay and smudged it to make the edges of the dish. I got some glazed, glazed it yellow, I took a picture of it and did my artist statement.

No moral or theme behind the message. The artwork is only meant to be used for entertainment.

I had trouble glazing and the walls in the beginning were too thin and it was going to be too complex to get all the glaze to coat the artwork.

Non-Object is the category as it has no intention.

"Albert Einstein"

Ben Melvin, "Albert Einstein", 2022, ?x?x?, Clay, Glaze

The inspiration from of this project came from my interest of science. Albert Einstein is very famous for his knowledge and wisdom for science. I love science and take great interest in it so I was inspired to create Albert Einstein to signify that I love science.

I first got some bottles, soda cans, some tape and made it to resemble the neck, shoulders, and head of a person. I then got some clay and used it to roll it around the structure so it can resemble a person. I then made the eyes and face by cutting brief pieces of clay and carving it into the face. I did the same technique for the hair. Once all done I glazed it all, took a picture of it, published it and did my artist statement.

The artwork indicates my love for science. I want the audience to know and understand that I enjoy gaining knowledge about science and my best option was to create Albert Einstein to clarify my claim.

I had some trouble making the hair as it was too complex to create a bunch of hair and put it in all kinds of various locations. I had to keep changing the hair as they would often fall off and it consumed most of the time required for other major things I need to obtain. Another problem was that some of the structure broke and cracked as a result of obscure air bubbles when it was fired. We solved this problem by gluing the pieces back together and it turned out to be as perfect when it was pre-fired. The only thing I'd change is probably the shirt as it looks so bland and I've been thinking about adding texture to it if it could redo it again.

I'd categorize the artwork as Abstract as it's used to clarify my love for science. I love how the face is highly detailed and I even included ears, nostrils, and more to make the artwork more visually appealing.

"The Vermilion Dish"

Ben Melvin, "The Vermilion Dish", 2022, ?x?x?, Clay, Glaze

I made this project so I could create a new container that could hold objects or valuables in it. No inspiration was used to create this idea.

I first got out some clay and used the wheel. I drenched the clay with water so it could soak and used the wheel to make a cup. Once done I then got out some glaze and glazed all over the cup. Once done glazing I got a picture of it and did my artist statement.

The artwork has no moral or indication to it. Its only intention is to contain objects.

I had trouble the first couple weeks of making the cup. The cup kept sliding and kept making me restart the process all over again. I had trouble keeping the cup stationary when it was on the wheel. I solved this problem by asking for assistance and got the work done.

Surreal is the category as the cup is a common used object made for containing objects, most typically liquids. So it's a common piece of artwork.