Ava Morris "Family First"
Size, Acrylic, 2021
My idea was to make a painting of my whole family who it is more special than just a picture. I got this idea because this is my indentity painting and this is how I am indentified and these are the people who made me, me. I got some ideas for the clouds becuase somethings I remember from when I was younger was when my mother, dad and I would go in the backyard of our old house and play with quites.
I first had to find two different picturs that i would like to use because i dont really have that much pictures of all my mom dad and i in the same picture, i think cut it out and used transfer paper to have the lines go onto the canvas. Some technicques I used for this painting was very simple, for the clouds I just dotted the paintbrush throughout and for the same detaild I just used a super small paintbrush to get the creveses.
This artwork means alot to me since it is my small little family, I like this painting and think it means alot to me because growing up my parents got divorced and we often dont have much photos togheter. I want the audience to look and think that this was just one picture that was taken instead of two different pictures put into one.
The Faces and details were defentily the most difficult throughout the whole things because there is tiny detals that is hard to get to. I overcame the problems by ethier asking for help and or asking what I need to do to make that certain place better. I would try and make all of us look more realisitc than we do right now in it.
Realistic. It makes it unique because this is my family and it is really special to me that I was able to pull two different pics and put them toghether and it looks normal. I love how it just flows toghther and looks really good toghether.