
Andrew Hall "Imposter"

Size 81/2 x 11, Pencil, 2020

This idea came from the popular mobile app among us that everybody played back in 2020. I dont believe that it's as popular today but this game taught me a lot more than I would think. The game itself is a great way of showing not to trust anybody and that your closest friends could go against you. You learn how to tell lies way better and it gives you a sense of responsibility of doing what you need to do.

Andrew Hall "Scarab"

Size 81/2 x 11, Pencil, 2020

The reasoning for this drawing has to do with some of my interest. I have always been into Egyptian gods and mythology and what it represents. For anybody wondering the scarab is holding what is too be the eye of Horus one of the many Egyptian gods. Some of the other gods I like include Sobek, Anubis and Thoth. I had a lot of fun drawing this tho it took me a few attempts to get it right. Overall i think that this drawing works really well with my interest