Alexis's Painting Portfolio

Alexis Yackle "The Roses"

8x10, Acrylic Mixed Media Painting on Canvas, 2022

My idea for this painting came about because I like flowers I thought it would be a pretty painting. I also used a reference photo for my outline from google, but I changed the details on it to match my style. For the background, I used a paint-mixing spatula to make it look like it has a rougher background. Then I used paint brushes to outline the flowers and match a good color. I added fake floral petals to make the painting a mixed collab painting. When people see my painting I want them to see that beauty is in everything. I also what them to feel happy and understand that everything has beauty. The most difficult part of this painting was having to glue and hold the rose petals down until they dried it was very time-consuming and frustrating. I overcame these struggles by asking a friend to help me hold them down and place more. If I could change one thing about this painting I would change the colors I chose for the rose petals and the stems of the roses, I also would've added thorns to the stems. I would've changed the background color as well. This is a mixed collab painting. I love the way the petals turned out on them.

Alexis Yackle "Evening Bloom"

11x12, Water Color Paper with Water Color and Acrylic Paint, 2022