Virtual Schools

Early Entrance Informational Video

Please view our presentation regarding early entrance here: Early Entrance Meeting Video.

The Cave Creek Unified School District Kindergarten Entrance Policy states that children may attend kindergarten if they are 5 before September 1 of that school year. This policy does allow for exceptions to be made for children that turn 5 between September 1 and December 31 if they successfully pass the Early Entrance screening.

For more information please visit our informational website.

Meals To Go

đź“ŁNew update**

Last day for service is: May 21, 2020.

Change in Times: M-F, from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Still pick up at Cactus Shadows

The CCUSD Child Nutrition Department provide breakfast and lunch grab and go meals Monday- Friday for anyone under the age of 18. Please pick up meals daily in front of Cactus Shadows High school between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Cactus Shadows High School is located at 5802 E. Dove Valley Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85266.

Grab and go meals will be take-and-bake style. Cooking instructions will be provided for items that need to be cooked.

Please call 480-575-2436 if you need any help or have any questions. Thank You.

Checklist for Parents for Home Learning

Resources for Parents

1. Beyond Textbooks has a parent portal with information and helpful links.

2. Mystery Science has created a list of science projects that can be done at home with K-5th grade students. Click here

3. Reading comprehension can be encouraged by reading a good book with your child and posting a book review to Flipgrid. (Here is a handy link to a Flipgrid parent page.)

4. Google Applied Digital Skills is a free resource that guides middle and high school students through a variety of lessons. A really fun lesson is, "Write an If / Then Adventure Story." Students learn how to use Google Slides and create their own adventure story! Here is a link to a bank of searchable projects for students to choose from.

5. Coding is a great learning opportunity for all ages. Hop on to or Scratch to start a project.

6. Engage your child daily with this fun schedule of at-home learning ideas.

7. COVID-19 Daily Schedule-here is an idea of a neat daily home schedule for you to use.