Design Technology

Classes Syllabus and Course Score Rubric

Fall '23 Classes

Exploring Simple machines, coding and robotics.

Exploring Simple machines, coding and robotics.

CAD drafting with SketchUp and prototyping with a 3D printer.

Independent Design Tech

Experimenting with vehicles, propulsion and alternative power.

Spring '24 Classes

Exploring Simple machines, coding and robotics.


Exploring Simple machines, coding and robotics.

Experimenting with vehicles, propulsion and alternative power.

Work with maps, compasses, GPS technology, and computer applications to document and navigate the natural world.

Learn about boat design while building a cedar strip canoe or kayak and your own paddle.

Classes offered next year (2024-2025).

Working with wood and metal to create functional and appealing objects.

Learn how to design board, card  and role playing games. Then design your own!