Mrs. Robin McCord's Pre-K

Welcome to WGS's Voluntary Pre-K Program.

What is a Voluntary Pre-K Program?

VPK is a lottery grant funded preschool program in the state of Tennessee. We are one of four VPK classrooms within Cannon County Schools. Each classroom services up to twenty students with a 10:1 ratio. Each classroom includes one State Certified Pre-K endorsed teacher as well as one paraprofessional. Woodbury, Woodland, Eastside, and Westside are each housed in their respective elementary school.

Welcome to Room 207

In room 207 of Woodbury Grammar School, you will find twenty actively engaged four and five year old children along side two teachers. A great emphasis in our room is social-emotional growth through cooperative learning. Little ones move throughout the classroom engaging in whole and small group play as well as independent exploration. Academics are a key concept in our classroom community, and we learn in a variety of ways. We love reading stories, using technology, dancing, creating, acting, using manipulatives, building, and playing with our peers while mastering key academic concepts. Littles ones learn best when they are actively engaged. We also participate in library, art, and physical education classes three days per week.

Meet the Teacher

Hello, my name is Robin McCord. This is my eleventh year at WGS, and this will be my sixth year teaching VPK. I have a BS in Elementary Education with an additional endorsement in Early Childhood Education.

We look forward to an exciting year in Pre-k where we will learn lots of great new things.

This year, we will communicate through Remind, so you will be receiving information for that to sign up.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to also contact me via e-mail at or through the school phone number at 629-218-3201.