Career Explorations

Use Careers.Org to investigate more than 150,000 pages about online degrees and universities, jobs and occupations, and entrepreneurial opportunities from the #1 site for career resources in the United States, Canada and across the world. Find detailed information about hundreds of colleges and universities in the United States and abroad, along with in-depth profiles of thousands of related academic programs, occupations and industries.

If you are interested in engaging in further college and healthcare career exploration through an interactive, observational approach, please contact Tracy Leonard to find out more about Job Shadow and Health Scholar paid internship programs: (315.783.7526).

Mapping Your Future is your free resource for career, college, financial aid, and money management information. Our goal is to help individuals achieve life-long success by empowering students, families, and schools with web-based information and services.

The place to explore careers related to your strengths, skills and talents.

Articles on career information.

How to Get Better at Writing: The Basics is a brand new, expert-driven guide that breaks down the basic tips of becoming a better writer. The advice provided in this guide is valuable for high school students, as well as college students and professionals. Even nurses need to be able to write!

How to Study: A Guide for College and Adult Learners also provides critical information for students' success. This information can also be valuable for high school students who are developing these skills and will continue to need these skills as they move forward in their education.

9 Reasons to Consider CNA Training after High School is a short, fun intro to CNA training and careers. Post-secondary education is not a one-size fits all. Starting a career in healthcare as a CNA can be a quick, affordable option for students.

Healthcare Career and Education Pathways is a great companion piece for the post above. There are so many ways to get into the healthcare field. This guide provides an introduction to the various education and career tracks to suit any student's needs. From the traditional 2yr or 4yr college track to bridge programs and accelerated options, this guide helps students find the education path that will set them up best for success.