DRAMA Presidency


Students interested in running for drama presidency for next school year, please read through the job responsibilities for each position. There is a new Recruiting and Publicity Member this year! Fill out and submit an application. Then create a 2 minute (max) video and share it through Google Drive with Mr. Rash (jonathan.rash@ccsdut.org). Applications and videos are due May 1.

Campaign videos will be posted here starting May 2. Online voting will May 6.

If you have questions, contact one of the 2019-20 Presidency members or Mr. Rash.

2020-21 Presidency Application Fillable.pdf

Xanadu: (From Left to right) Brynlee Downs (Ensemble/Siren), David Higginbotham (Zeus), Abbie Hunsaker (Urania Muse of Astronomy), Taylor Griffiths (Euterpe Muse of Music), Emma Pinkston (Thalia Muse of Comedy), Starr Nielson (Head Tech member)

President: David Higginbotham

Vice President: Emma Pinkston

Secretary: Brynlee Downs

Tech Member: Nikayla "Starr" Nielson

Clerk: Abbie Hunsaker

Historian: Taylor Griffiths