Grade Scale Options in PowerTeacher Pro

Below you will find a list of grades scales and the headings you see on this page should be pretty close to the options in the dropdown in PowerTeacher Pro.  

Please remember these definitions as you view the grade scales:

Traditional Grading Scale
(93 is an A / 60 is a D-)

The default grade scale that has been used in CCSD for several years.

Lower Scale
(90 is an A / 55 is a D-) 

Perhaps this would be a grade scale you would want to use if you were teaching an advanced or AP Course of some sort.

Broader Range Scale
(93 is an A / 30 is a D) 

A's are still in the high range but CS and Ds are slightly lower. May be good to use for students with IEPs or who are working really hard and just need a lower grade scale.

Good Middle School Grade Scale
(no +/- 90/75/50/35)

Several teachers at Spring Creek use this scale and it is good for resource kids.

Good SBG Scale
(no +/- 90/80/70/40)

Lower grade scale. Some feel that 80 is way too low for an A, which will not prepare students for high school very well.

Good SBG Scale with +/-
(90 is an A / 40 is an F)

We suggest that teachers who are implementing some SBG principles (i.e., not counting all assignments and only counting summative assessments) use this grade scale.  It is a bit more broad than the current default.

No +/- Grade Scale - 80/60/40/20

Lower grade scale used for COVID-19, specifically requested by Ridgeline High School.

No +/- Grade Scale  85/70/55/40 

Slightly lower grade scale and another one good to use for Middle Schools. Some feel that 85 is too low for an A, which will not prepare students for high school very well.

Lower Scale Version 2
(88 is an A / 11 is a D-) 

Perhaps this would be a grade scale you would want to use when implementing SBG and teaching an advanced or AP Course of some sort.

Spring Creek Grade Scale

A grade scale set up specifically for Spring Creek Middle School. (Available only to Spring Creek teachers.)

Pass Fail Grade Scale
51 is passing

To be used when a class is strictly Pass Fail and no other grades are needed.

Scale with No Ds
(94 is an A / 70 is a C-) 

This grade scale would be applied to performance based or skill based classes where students have to show competency. These courses are less about what a students knows and more about what a student can do.