Classroom Routines


Homework is assigned once a week. It is sent home every Monday in folders and is due back on Thursday. Much of the homework your child will receive will be predictable. Homework will also be posted on our Google Classroom each week which can be accessed using your child's school email ( Once your child begins reading, books for reading practice will also be sent home.

Homework in kindergarten should be completed under the supervision of an adult. Parents should interact with their children while encouraging neatness and accuracy. Homework should never create negative or difficult situations. The primary goal of homework in kindergarten is to establish a routine of working every school night on schoolwork. Homework also gives parents an idea of the skills we are working on in class. I want students to be proud of their accomplishments and know they are capable learners. They will excel with this attitude!


Birthdays are a time for celebration and recognition. In kindergarten, each birthday child will create a timeline of his/her life. This is best done through pictures. The week before your child’s birthday, please send/email a photo for each year of their life, including a baby photo (I will also send home a reminder notice in your child’s Important Papers Folder). Photos may also be scanned at school if necessary and returned unharmed. Your child will write about their pictures in school with me and share his/her timeline with the class during their birthday celebration.

Each child’s birthday will be recognized in a brief “ceremony.” Parents are welcome to attend the celebration and may bring in a special snack-time treat to share with the class as well. If you provide treats, please avoid foods that are crumbly and difficult for young children to handle. Instead of cake, please consider Rice Krispie treats, small cookies, or mini muffins. Generally, birthdays are celebrated during afternoon snack time; however, I will arrange the time in advance with you.


2020/21 COVID 19 changes: As often as possible, snack will be help outdoors. Please pack you child two small nutritious snacks (one for the morning and one for the afternoon) each that can be eaten in 5 minutes or less with minimal fuss. Cut vegetables and fruit, dried fruit, crackers, pretzels, etc. are all good options for students.

The kindergarten class has a fifteen minute recess followed by a short group snack time in the morning and in the afternoon. Morning recess is at 9:45 am and afternoon recess is at 1:45 pm. Group snack is after recess. Each child is asked to bring snack several times throughout the year. These are generally boxed items can be stored for several months in our classroom. Popular items include mini rice cakes, Cheerios, cheese flavored crackers, pretzels, animal crackers, goldfish, crackers, and mini marshmallows. A note will be sent home when we are getting low on snack items. Please contact me directly if your child has any food restrictions or allergies.


All clothing, backpacks, and lunch boxes should be labeled clearly with your child’s name! Many children do not remember what they brought to school. Please help them by labeling everything! Also, please remember that the weather can change unexpectedly. Children should bring appropriate clothing for outside play every day. Snow pants, mittens, hats, boots and coats are a must in the winter!

It is also important for children to be able to fit their belongings in their backpacks. On a snowy day when we dismiss, the children may not have time to change into their snow pants and boots again. For this reason, all gear should be able to fit comfortably in your child’s backpack. They cannot take responsibility for packing their belongings if the items need to be crammed into too small of a space!

Lastly, some children bring a pair of Crocs or shoes that are easy to slip on for snowy days (when they take off their boots). This is a more comfortable option for your child so they don’t have to keep their heavy (and often wet) boots on inside. Your child may leave these extra shoes in their cubby at school, if you wish.


2020/21COVID 19 changes: To maintain the kindergarten cohort and minimize risks, volunteers will not be working in classrooms. Parents are still able to volunteer to help from home preparing materials (cutting, assembling) for students.

Volunteers are needed in the classroom daily. A volunteer sign-up sheet will be emailed to parents before school begins. Please look over the sheet and mark any of the opportunities that interest you. Volunteers in kindergarten begin working in the classroom after the first month when our routines are set. Once you submit the sign-up sheet, you will be contacted. Your participation is greatly appreciated! Please note that all volunteers must have a background check before working able in the classroom. The paperwork for this process is available under "forms" or in the office. Thank you!!

Masks and Social Distance

Students should come to school with a clean mask every day. In the classroom , when students are socially distanced, they will not be required to wear a mask. When they walk in the hallways to lunch or P.E., they will be required to wear their masks. There may be times in the classroom when students wear masks if they are unable to socially distance themselves from a partner. As much as possible, students will be divided into smaller groups and make use of the two kindergarten rooms. Students will also be given a seating discs to sit on maintain distance when seated on the floor.