Project Kid Courage

A social-emotional learning project connecting students around the world.

"There are so many kinds of courage. Awesome kinds. Everyday kinds. Still, courage is courage - whatever the kind."

~Bernard Waber

Children around the world were asked to finish this sentence, "Courage is..."

Their responses are displayed below.

Mrs. Nosalik's

Kindergarten Class

Western Trails School

Carol Stream, IL USA

Mrs. Kosieniak's

2nd Grade Class

Heritage Lakes School

Carol Stream, IL USA

Mrs. Bibler

1st Grade

Heritage Lakes School

Carol Stream, IL USA

Mrs. Boston's

2nd Grade Class

Heritage Lakes School

Carol Stream, IL USA

Project Kid Courage Boston.mp4

Mrs. Addante's

Kindergarten Class

Western Trails School

Carol Stream, IL USA

Multiple Grades

Roosevelt School

South Plainfield, NJ USA

Click on the link to view all of the projects from Roosevelt School:

Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Gehrke, and Mrs. Hardy's Classes

5th Grade

Heritage Lakes School

Carol Stream, IL