What will we Learn This year?

Arrival (8:45-9:00): Students will arrive at school and unpack their bags, put away their lunches, and assist with morning jobs as independently as possible.

Adapted Physical Education (Mondays 11:25-12:00/Tues-Fri 9:00-9:25): We will go to the gym and have Adapted PE everyday for about 25 minutes. Students will work with an APE teacher on physical and gross motor skills.

Breakfast (9:25-9:45): All students will be offered breakfast each morning. If you do not want them to be offered due to dietary restrictions please let the classroom teacher know.

Circle Time/Morning Meeting (9:25-9:45): Students will work on identifying the days of the week, months of the year, date, seasons, weather, and checking in.

Reading/Literacy (9:50-10:45): Curriculum used is Unique Learning Systems, News2You, and Early Literacy Skills Builder. All students will have about an hour literacy block. The students will transition through various stations in the classroom and work on skills like Phonemic Awareness, Letters Identification, Expressive Writing, CORE Language and Vocabulary, Task Based Learning, Comprehension, Tracking Print, Concepts, and Literacy Elements. This will be adapted and modified to target each students individual needs and learning styles.

Sensory & Stretching (Monday 9:00-9:25/Tues-Friday 10:45-11:20/1:00-1:20): Each student will participate in gross motor, sensory stimulating, and stretching to fit their individual needs.

Lunch (12:10-1:00): Students will eat in the cafeteria at their own tables. Please tell the classroom teacher if your child has reasons that would prevent this from happening. We are very encouraging of social opportunities for the students and lunch is the best time.

Recess (12:10-1:00): The students will go outside according to weather permitting conditions. This will also be student specific based on conditions. Please let the classroom teacher know if their are medical concerns preventing students from being outside.

Math (1:20-1:45): The curriculum used is Equals. Students will have about 30 minutes of math daily. All students will work on identifying numbers, answering questions relating to numbers, sequencing numbers, counting objects, color identification, shape identification, early money skills, early time skills, and functional math like matching and sorting with common attributes.

Thematic Concepts (activity based times): (Science and Social Studies): The themes for each month come from the Unique Learning Curriculum. This year, the themes for each month are: K-2nd Sept- May This is My School, Animals in Their Homes, Finding Our Way, See It/Feel It/Describe It, Time For Peace, The Hot Sun, Can I Buy It, and Fast and Slow Earth Changes. 3-6th Sept-May We Have Leaders, Living in an Ecosystem, Load Them Up, It's Just a Phase, Cultures of Change, Energy Around Us, Market To Market, and Making It Last.

Dismissal (Monday 2:15-2:30/Tues-Friday 3:30-3:45): Students will practice packing their backpacks and waiting for the dismissal bell at their independent levels.

*Special times of the day will vary and include: Snack, Art and Art Therapy, Expressive Writing, Communication (with and without Speech Pathologist), Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, integration with student buddies, Library, Technology Time, Music Therapy, Movement Breaks, Field Trips, Independent Work Time, Social Emotional Development, Play-based Learning, and using the bathroom or being changed as needed.