Art Curriculum

The first few weeks of school we focus on the rules in the art room and getting to know each other.

Trimester 1

Unit 1 - Making Your Mark as an Artist

5th Grade Visual Art D93 Unit 3 - Cultures in Art

Trimester 2

Unit 4 Drawing - Pre-Modern

K - Grant Wood - Landscape/Horizon Line

1st - Grandma Moses - Depth - Foreground, Middle Ground, Background of a Landscape

2nd - Pieter Brueghel - Atmospheric Perspective

3rd - Paul Cezanne - Shading and Value

4th - Renaissance and 1-point perspective

5th - Leonardo Da Vinci - Sketchbooks

Unit 5 - Weaving

K - South African Bambulina Hangings

1st - Native American Basketry

2nd - Guatemalan Weaving

3rd - Ashanti Kente Cloth

4th - Navajo Blanket Weaving

5th - Coiled Basketry

Unit 6 Asian Art

K - Chinese Handmade Paper and Scrolls

1st - Origami and folded Fans

2nd - Asian Sumi-ee Brushstroke painting

3rd - Indian Twirling Puppets

4th - Chinese Dragon Illustrations

5th - Mandala Designs

Unit 7 - Impressionism/Post Impressionism

K - Artists Impression of Light - Weather!

1st - Claude Monet - Cool and Warm Colors

2nd - Vincent Van Gogh - Still Life

3rd - Mary Cassett and Pierre Renior - Portraits

4th - Georges Seurat - Pointillism

5th - Impressionism Review

Unit 8 Modern Art

K - George Rodrique Arbitrary Color

1st - Henri Matisse - Positive/Negative Space and shapes

2nd - Eric Carle - Book Illustrations

3rd - Georgia O'Keeffe

4th - Pablo Picasso - Cubism

5th - Romare Bearden - Collage

Unit 9 - Printmaking

K - Gyotaku - Fish Printing

1st - Marc Chagall - I and the Village

2nd - Paul Klee

3rd - Hokusai - Castle Prints

4th - Albrecht Durer - Animals

5th Roy Lichtenstein - Pop Art and Cartooning

Unit 10 - Alternative Media

K - Tibetan Sand Painting

1st - Henri Rousseau - Jungles

2nd - Andre DeRain - Scratch Art Bridges

3rd - Faith Ringgold - Quilting

4th - Tiffany/Wright - Stain Glass

5th Folk Art - Metal Foil Tooling

Unit 11 - Sculpture

K - Russian Matryoshka Dolls - Toy designs

1st - Frank Lloyd Wright - Architecture

2nd - Deborah Butterfield - Found Object Relief's

3rd - Oaxacan Paper Mache Animals

4th - Alexander Calder - Wire Figures

5th - Northwest Coastal Masks/African Bakuba Masks

Unit 12 - Computer

Technology is being introduced throughout the art program here at CCSD#93 in a number of ways. The lessons listed below are taught as time allows and available resources.

K - Piet Mondrian - Horizontal/vertical lines

1st - Joan Miro - Drawing from your dreams

2nd - Paul Klee - Animal Tricks

3rd - Flag Design - Meaning in color and Shapes

4th - Pablo Picasso - cubist Landscape

5th - Toulouse La Trech - Poster Designs