NGSS Standards

Disciplinary Core Ideas (Content)

ESS2-A: Earth's Materials and Systems

ESS2-C: The Roel of Water in Earth's Surface Processes

ESS2-D: Weather and Climate

ESS3-B: Natural Hazards

ESS3-C: Human Impacts on Earth's Systems

ESS3-D: Global Climate Change

Cross Cutting Concepts:

Scale, Proportion, and Quantity - this is relevant to the planning process. Participants will need to consider relevant size, proportion and quantity as they prepare for their creation.

Structure and Function - If building a fort, participants will need to consider the structure and function of the features of their fort.

Cause and Effect - Throughout the entire challenge, participants will consider and even experience cause and effect.

Energy and Matter - As participants work with water - in solid, liquid, and gas form - they are engaging and problem-solving due to energy and matter cycling.

Scientific Practices:

Developing and Using Models - participants will actually create a tangible model with their snow creation

Asking Questions and Defining Problems - throughout the process, participants will self-question and define problems that may arise in creating their models

Planning and Carrying Out Investigations - participants will plan out how they will physically create their models

Using Mathematical and Computational Thinking - participants might use mathematical or computational thinking as they engineer their creation

Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions - participants will engage in self-reflection or verbal communication about how their design is working/not working, and they will problem-solve possible solutions of how to achieve their end goal.

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information - participants might reflect upon the activity and share.