
Mrs. Lindy Watt

Mrs. Lindy Watt

Dear Parents and Students:

On behalf of the staff at Little Powder School, we wish to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year. As we approach the beginning of a new school year, I would personally like to take this opportunity to welcome all of you. For many, it is a greeting extended to old friends; to others it is an introduction and an invitation. To all, it constitutes a pledge of continued efforts to provide the best possible education to the children of our school.

The success of a school rests, in large measure, on parental concern and involvement. As students advance from one grade level to the next, the workload expectations increase. With this also come higher expectations concerning regular attendance, completion of assignments and appropriate behavior. We need your cooperation and understanding if this year is to provide a profitable and satisfying experience for your child.

Our school can take pride in its highly qualified and dedicated faculty. Our staff welcomes your concern, and they view education as a partnership between home and school. If there is anything we can do to help your child, please do not hesitate to call and set up an appointment to meet. I do ask you, to first discuss any concern that you may have with the person in which you have the concern, and then contact me if you have not come to a resolution. Our goal as a staff remains to provide the best possible education for each student and with sound communication we can better meet this goal.

Please read the handbook completely and familiarize yourself with the contents. If you have any questions after your review, please contact the office at 682-2725. This handbook is not intended to be all-inclusive. There will be situations and circumstances that will arise that are unanticipated. When more information is necessary, you will be contacted.

We look forward to an exciting year of learning and growth. Your continued support and involvement are encouraged.


Lindy Watt, Principal