Disease Management

Disease Management for Employees on District Insurance

The District health insurance Carrier (UMR) offers a comprehensive program to help with chronic conditions such as heart disease, asthma, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. Without proper treatment such as support and monitoring these conditions can move your health risk into a serious category. Based on medical and pharmacy claims data you may be contacted by a CARE nurse with UMR. Their role is to help you close gaps in care and improve self-management and self-advocacy. This can be as simple as when to do a blood test, or fill a prescribed medication, and even questions to ask your health care provider.

There are also member communication tools available, the CARE app that connects you with a CARE nurse, coach or other resources. This is entirely voluntary and available to members on our health insurance. If you need some help to manage an ongoing condition please do not be afraid to take advantage of this program.

For more information please click here and contact UMR at 1-800-207-3172.